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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Emission trends of acidifying pollutants (EEA member countries, EU-27)

This chart shows past emission trends of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and ammonia (NH3) in the EEA-32 and EU-27 group of countries. In addition - for the EU-27 - the aggregated Member State 2010 emission ceiling for the respective pollutants are shown.

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Contributions by sector for emissions of acidifying pollutants (EEA member countries)

The contribution made by different sectors to emissions of acidifying pollutants

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Madrid: impact of urban sprawl 2000–2006 on Natura 2000 sites

Madrid: impact of urban sprawl 2000–2006 on Natura 2000 sites

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Comparing the degree of soil sealing and the surface temperatures in Budapest, Hungary

Comparing the degree of soil sealing and the surface temperatures in Budapest, Hungary

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Share of green urban areas in European cities, 2006

Cities are core cities following the Urban Audit definition (Eurostat, 2010). In most cases the delineation of the core city matches the urban built-up area. But in some cases the delineation also includes substantial areas outside the urban built-up areas (parts of the urban fringe and hinterland); in other cases, it includes only city centres

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Annual aquaculture production by country in 2001 and 2006

How to read the graph: in Spain the annual aquaculture production decreased from 310 000 tonnes in 2001 to 293 000 tonnes in 2006

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Cumulative number of alien species established in terrestrial environment in 11 countries

How to read the graph: in the 1990s, the total number of terrestrial alien species reached more than 3 500 Species

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Cumulative number of alien species established in freshwater environment in 11 countries

How to read the graph: in the 1990s, the total number of freshwater alien species reached around 140 species

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Alien species in European marine/estuarine waters (October 2008)

How to read the graph: In the 1990s, the total number of alien marine species increased to around 1 000

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Biodiversity patent trends for European countries (publication portfolio)

Patent publication counts by publication year

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Deadwood per hectare in forests, 2005

How to read the graph: in 2005, Estonian forests averaged 6 m3/ha of standing deadwood and 5 m3/ha of lying deadwood.

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