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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Danger of Groundwater pollution by pesticides

red: danger of pesticide pollution in GW reported by countries green: no danger of pesticide pollution in GW reported by countries other: no statements

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Phenological sensitivity to temperature changes

In a study of 254 national records across nine countries, most phenological changes correlated significantly with mean monthly temperatures of the previous two months

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Trends in total energy intensity, gross domestic product and total energy consumption, EU-25

Some estimates have been necessary in order to compute the EU-25 GDP index in 1990

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Political map of Eurasia

The map addresses the region covered in Europe's environment: the third assessment 2003 (also called Kiev report).

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Annual number of observed oil slicks from aerial surveillance

Because of shortcomings in the methodology, it is likey that the numbers are only order of magntide estimates of the actual number of slicks

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Phosphorus concentrations in rivers (left; ortophosphate) and lakes (right; total phosphorus) between 1990 and 2005 in different regions of Europe.

The annual mean concentrations for all stations were averaged per region in the regional aggregations

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Afforestation in Europe, 1990-2000

The Alps and the French Mediterranean

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