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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Renewable electricity as % of gross electricity consumption (2005 data) EU-27

The Renewable Electricity Directive (2001/77/EC) defines renewable electricity as the share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in total electricity consumption

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Greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-27, the EU-15 and in new Member States, 1990-2005

Index 100 = base year level (EU-15) or 1990 levels (EU-27, new Member States)

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Exposure to fine particles above EC threshold values

Exceedance days are defined as days with black smoke (BS) 24-hour average concentrations above 125 ?g/m 3 ; Total Suspended Particles (TSP) 24-hour average above 120 ?g/m 3 ; PM10 24-hour average above 50 ?g/m

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Actual and projected EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions compared with Kyoto target for 2008-2012, including Kyoto mechanisms

Target paths are used to analyse how close 2003 emissions were to a (hypothetical) linear path of emission reductions or allowed increases from the base-year to the Kyoto Protocol target, assuming domestic policies and measures as well as use of Kyoto mechanisms

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Share of combined heat and power in the gross electricity production in 2005

The share is defined as the proportion of CHP electricity production (from both auto-producers and public utilities) in the total electricity production

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Forest area under certification, 2007

Note: Some double counting might occur as forest areas may be certified by different schemes at the same time.

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Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections for EU-23

This graph shows the evolution of GHG emissions between 1990 and 2004 and the total projected emissions by 2010 in the EU-23 (see note about why EU-23 and not EU-25).

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Relative gap (over-delivery or shortfall) between projections and targets for 2010 for new Member States

Projections for Poland consist only of projections for CO2 and N2O

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Share of biofuels in transport fuels (%)

The Biofuels Directive aims at promoting the use of biofuels for transport to replace diesel or petrol

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Decoupling in the agriculture sectors 2000-2020

(percentage change to 2020)

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