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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Waste generation from daily household and commercial activities

The variations in waste generated from daily household and commercial activities between member countries are small, except for Austria and Iceland, which have considerably less than average waste generation

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Decoupling in the industry sectors 2000-2020

(percentage change to 2020)

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EU-15 CO2 emissions from households compared with the number of permanently occupied dwellings, heating degree days and share of households in total GHG emissions

Left: This graph shows past (1990-2004) and projected (2010) emissions due to energy use by households and compares them with the number of permanently occupied dwellings and heating degree days Right: This graph represents the share of CO2 emissions from energy use by the residential sector in total GHG emissions in the EU-15, in 2004

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Internal and external conversions of agriculture 1990-2000

Withdrawal of farming and conversion of marginal land to crops

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Infant death (under 1 year) per 10 000 live births due to selected causes in EECCA countries

Abstract: infant death (under 1 year) per 10 000 live births due to selected causes (all causes, respiratory diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases) in 1995 and 2004 in the EECCA countries

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Corine biotopes map

Corine biotopes map

12 Nov 2009

Geographic view of the biotopes as area circles

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European fishing fleet: power

EFTA countries: Norway and Iceland ECC countries

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