Note: new versions of the publication are available!

Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

European river catchments - poster

This poster shows the dataset European River Catchments (ERC) and the water lines of EuroGlobalMap

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Contribution to change in emissions of primary and secondary fine particulates (PM10) for each sector and pollutant (EU-27 - EU-15)

Contribution to change plots show the contribution to the total emission change between 1990-2005 made by a specified sector/ pollutant

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Sensitivity of cereal yields to climate change for maize and wheat

A small increase in temperature has a positive impact on cereals yield, while a high increase (3-5 oC) has a negative impact

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The daily summer maximum concentration of ozone, modelled mean over 5 years

Note: the calculation used constant emissions at the 1990 level and meteorological data from the five summers 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993 and 1994

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Growth in energy consumption by country between 1990 and 2000 (EEA-17)

Transport by oil pipelines is responsible for far less than 1 % of total energy consumption by transport and is therefore omitted

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Historic series in spent fuel arising (tonnes heavy metals).

No information has been included for Bulgaria due to a lack of information.

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Share of primary energy by fuel and total primary energy consumption, EU-27, 2020 (million TOE)

Table: share of primary energy by fuel and total primary energy consumption, EU-27

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NOx annual average, 2004

Annual average rural concentration map of NOx for vegetation, 2004

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Household consumption expenditure on recreation, EU15

Includes expenditures on entertainment, educational and cultural services

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