Note: new versions of the publication are available!

Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Evolution of passenger-kilometres by rail and bus/coach and air in AC-10 countries between 1990 and 1999

Passenger-kilometres by bus/coach are based on data from the AC-6: Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia and are only available from 1993 onwards.

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Final energy consumption by sector in the EU-25, 1990-2003

EEA baseline projections are consistent with European Commission (2004)

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Important bird areas classified as threatened by agricultural intensification

The map shows the distribution of important bird areas (IBAs) that are considered as threatened by agricultural intensification according to the information published by BirdLife International

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Transboundary Environmental Protection Zone: Lithuanian-Polish border

This map shows protected sites (Natura 2000 and designated sites) and green background (10 km radius) together with Urban Morphological Zones and main roads

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Annual national expenditures for management of contaminated sites (EUR per capita).

The graph shows annual site remediation expenditures in selected European countries as EUR per capita

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Present concentration of phosphorus in lakes (total phosphorus) in European countries, 2003

The number of lake monitoring stations in each country is given in brackets

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