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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Projected number of scrapped cars in the ACs and EU+3 (1990?2015)

EU+3 refers to EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

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Changes in household electricity and gas prices, 2005-2007

Electricity prices are those paid by an average consumer with an annual consumption of 3 500 kWh, of which 1 300 are consumed at night

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Road transport fatalities per year (EU-15)

Data for 1999 for Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the UK are taken from UNECE.

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Final electricity consumption by sector, EU-27

Final electricity consumption is the electricity consumption of the final energy demand sectors, it does not include own use by electricity producers or transformation, transmission and distribution losses.

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Emissions of ozone precursors

The 'with measures' (WM) projections reported by Member States take into account currently implemented and adopted policies and measures

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EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions and projections for the Kyoto period 2008-2012

Note: The full effect of the EU Emission Trading Scheme is not reflected in all Member States´; projections.

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Changes in emissions of heavy metals (t/year) from industrial sources in selected European countries between 1985 and 1999.

Only countries with data from all periods included: Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden.

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Coverage of the land cover accounts 1990-2000

Countries with available LEAC data

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Increase in species richness on Swiss Alpine mountain summits in 20th century

Endemic, coldadapted species are declining as pioneer species drive them out of their characteristic niches due warming conditions

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