Note: new versions of the publication are available!

Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Model simulation of hydrodynamics and phytoplankton dynamics during three contrasting summers in Lake Nieuwe Meer (the Netherlands)

(a) the cold summer of 1956, (b) the average summer of 1991, and, (c) the hot summer of 2003

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Reconstructed and measured temperature over the last 1 000 years (Northern hemisphere) and projected temperature rise in the next 100 years

Reconstructed and measured temperature over the last 1 000 years (Northern hemisphere) and projected temperature rise in the next 100 years

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Concentration of selected metals and organic substances in mussels in the Mediterranean Sea and the north-east Atlantic Ocean

It should be noted that the lack of consistent or reliable data from the marine conventions or EEA countries inhibits adequate assessment of levels and trends of hazardous substances in European marine waters

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Contribution of renewable energy sources to primary energy consumption in the EU-27

Hydropower was calculated according to the new methodology proposed in the CARE package (15year average)

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Changes in organic matter emissions from all sources in regions of Europe between 1990 and 2000.

Only countries with data from all periods included, the number of countries in parentheses

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Unleaded fuel use in the EU-15, 1990-2002

2001 and 2002 are forecasts, carried out on quarterly data (up to March or June 2001) using ratio to moving average.

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Car ownership

Car ownership

12 Nov 2009

International comparison

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Infrastructure charges levied on rail freight transport in selected countries in 2005

The figure shows the infrastructure charges levied on rail freight in different countries

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Long-term monthly means of phytoplankton colour index in the central North Sea

Long-term monthly means of phytoplankton colour index in the central North Sea

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Area of multi-year Arctic sea ice in March 1957-2007

Note: The area of thick, multi-year sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is decreasing

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Non-energy related greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes in the EU-15 and EU-27 and gross value added (1990-2005)

Gross value added is the difference between output and intermediate consumption for any given sector, i.e

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PM10 annual average, 2004

Combined rural and urban concentration map of the annual average PM10, 2004

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