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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Development of the number of passenger cars, motorcycles and buses/coaches per capita and trucks per unit of GDP in AC-13, 1990-1998

Motorcycles based on AC-8 (excluding Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovak Republic) and trucks based on AC-11 (excluding Bulgaria and Romania).

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EEA reprojected EMEP grid

"EEA has reprojected the grid used by EMEP for analyses on air emissions (150*150 km2 and 50*50 km2 grids covering Europe)

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Estimated reductions for top eight CCPMs split by status (implemented/adopted or planned) in the EU-27

The quantification of the effect of planned policies and measures refers to a hypothetical without measures scenario

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Distance-to-target for EU-27 Member States

The DTI results are shown in red (positive result ie

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Grassland butterfly decline between 1972/73 and 1997/98 in EU15 Member States and EU10 Member States

The EU15 series is based on 13 member states and the EU10 series is based on 8 member states

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Land take by urban development in 0-10 km coastal zone (1990-2000)

The main cause of artificialisation at the coast is housing, services and recreation (61% of total land uptake by artificial surfaces), which are followed by industrial and commercial sites.

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Emission of acidifying gasses, EU 15

The targets for 2010 are the Gothenburg Protocol target (December 1999) and the more recent National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD) Common Position targets (June 2000) for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and ammonia

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Overall and insured losses from weather disasters in Europe 1980-2007

The figure shows the overall and insured losses from weather disasters in Europe 1980-2007

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Gaps between 2010 projections and Kyoto targets

Countries are sorted by regional grouping (EU-15, EU-12, other EEA countries and Croatia) and ranked by relative gap between 2010 projections (including additional measures, carbon sinks and Kyoto mechanisms) and Kyoto target

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Sectoral use of water in regions of Europe

AC (Northern): Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

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TERM33 Average age of road vehicles

The figures refer to 21 EEA member countries (EU-15, Czech Republic, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Slovenia and Switzerland).

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Contribution of wood energy to total energy consumption, 2005

* 2000 values were used for France, Germany and Slovenia.

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Soil sensitivity

Soil sensitivity

12 Nov 2009

This index is one of the components of the sensitivity to desertification index

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