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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Energy-related CO2 emissions by sector in the EU-25 in 2003

Emissions from international marine and aviation bunkers are reported separately to the UNFCCC and are not included in the graph.

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Developments in shipments of paper waste as an example of non-hazardous wastes out and within the EU from 1995 to 2007

The EU a common market for waste Within the EU it is possible to ship all kinds of wastes for disposal or recovery between Member States

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Modal shares in passenger transport in Europe

During the review of the information it was suggested that the low share of passenger transport in EECCA may result from a different use of definitions with only passenger cars for hire (taxis and rental cars) included

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Investment in EEA member country rail infrastructure

No data available for Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway and Turkey.

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Annual emissions and five-year rolling average of EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions (1990-2005)

The five-year rolling average for a year (Y) corresponds to the average emissions of the five-year period: (Y-4)(Y).

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GHG emissions from transport in the EEA-31 (all EEA members except Cyprus) between 1990 and 2002

The figure shows the growth in emission of greenhouse gases for different regions in Europe.

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Share of EU-15 sectors and key sources in 1990 and 2006

Emissions from international aviation and international maritime navigation, not covered by the Kyoto Protocol, are not included here

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Road transport fuel price (including taxes) in EU Member States

Fuel prices include cost price, excise duty and VAT

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