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Emission trends of sulphur oxides

EEA aggregated and gap-filled air emission dataset, based on 2013 officially reported national total and sectoral emissions to UNECE LRTAP Convention and the EU NEC Directive.

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Sector share of sulphur oxides emissions

The contribution made by different sectors to emissions of sulphur dioxide.

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Distance-to-target for sulphur oxides

The distance-to-target for sulphur oxides shows how current emissions compare to a linear emission reduction 'target-path' between 2010 emission levels and the 2020 Gothenburg emission ceiling for each country. Negative percentage values indicate the current emissions in a country are below the linear target path; positive values show that current emission lie above a linear target path to 2020.

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Annual variation in the ozone AOT40 value for crops (May-July) in (μg/m³).h, 1996–2010

Average values over all rural stations which reported data over at least eleven years in the period 1996-2010. The black line corresponds to the 5-year averaged value. Variations over Europe in observed values is large, eighty percent of the observations falls with the red shaded area.

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Agricultural area (in 1 000 km²) in EEA member countries for each exposure class

A data summary of agricultural area (in 1000 km²) for EEA countries for each exposure class is given in the table below. The total agricultural area in the EEA-32 member countries excluding Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey amounts to be 2.024 million km2; since 2007 Iceland and Norway are included in the analysis increasing the total agricultural area to 2042 million km2. Since 2008 data for Switzerland is available

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Exposure of agricultural area to ozone (exposure expressed as AOT40 in (μg/m³).h) in EEA member countries

Exposure of agricultural area to ozone (exposure expressed as AOT40 in (μg/m3).hour) in EEA member countries . In the Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC) the target value for protection of vegetation is set to 18000 (μg/m3).h while the long-term objective is set to 6000 (μg/m3).hour. Until 2006 Iceland, Norway Switzerland and Turkey have not been included in the analyses due to lack of detailed land cover data and/or rural ozone data, in 2007 Switzerland and Turkey are not included; since 2008 only Turkey is not included

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Exposure of forest area to ozone (exposure expressed as AOT40 in (mg/m³).h) in EEA member countries

Please consider that since 2004 a growing number of member countries has been included. In 2004 Bulgaria, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, and Turkey have not been includedwere added. In For 2005/2006 Iceland, Norway Switzerland and Turkey are were still excluded in the analyses due to lack of detailed land cover data and/or rural ozone data. In 2007 Switzerland and Turkey are were not included. Since 2008 only Turkey is has not beennot included. Calculations of forest exposure are not available for year prior to 2004.

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Nationally designated areas (CDDA) site centre points - status 2013

The map shows the CDDA site centre points and countries where site centre points are public available, countries where some site centres are having restrictions and countries where site points have restrictions for all sites

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Data on greenhouse gas emissions relevant under the Europe 2020 Strategy (total EU GHG emissions and non-ETS national GHG emissions)

Data compiled by EEA. At EU level, the data provided are total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (excluding emissions from LULUCF, including emissions from international aviation), which are consistent with the emission scope covered in the EU’s objective to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% compared to 1990 by 2020. At Member State level, the data provided are ‘non-ETS emissions’ (emissions covered under the ‘Effort Sharing Decision’ (406/2009/EC)). The Effort Sharing Decision sets national annual binding targets for emissions not covered under the EU emission trading scheme (ETS). These non-ETS emissions exclude emissions from LULUCF, emissions from international aviation and CO2 emissions from domestic aviation.

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