
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Average sulphur content of road transport fuel

EU-27 unweighted average sulphur content of road transport fuel, 2001 - 2011

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Share of renewable energy consumption in transport

% share of renewable energy consumption in transport by EU-28 member country, including all biofuels consumed in transport

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Transport in cities

Transport in cities

04 Dec 2013

Many European cities are rapidly transforming urban transport. However, while cycling and efficient public transport are becoming the norm in some urban areas, Europe’s transport sector is still a major contributor to excessive levels of greenhouse gases, air pollution and noise. EEA

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Many factors contribute to air pollution concentration levels

Emission levels are not the only factor that determines concentrations of air pollutants. Factors like the weather, chemical transformations in the air, and transport of pollutants from outside Europe all play a role. This means that a reduction in emissions of a pollutant do not always translate to an equivalent reduction in concentrations of that pollutant.

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Why should we care about air pollution?

Air pollution impacts human health, contributes to climate change and damages ecosystems. Here are some of the pollutants the ‘Air quality in Europe – 2013 report’ investigates and their potential impacts.

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Concentration status for the target value threshold for protection of human health, 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of the 93.15 percentile of the daily maximum of the running 8-h mean O3 concentrations for the year 2011. The chart is based on the 93.15 percentile of the daily maximum of the running 8-h mean O3 concentrations, corresponding to the 26th highest O3 concentration when data availability is 100% over the year.

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Concentration status for annual target value of PM2.5, 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of PM2.5 annual mean concentrations for the year 2011.

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Concentration status for the annual NO2 limit value, 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of NO2 annual mean concentrations for the year 2011.

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Concentration status for the hourly limit values of SO2 for health protection, 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of 99.73 percentile of the hourly SO2 concentrations for the year 2011. The chart is based on the 99.73 percentile of the SO2 hourly concentrations, corresponding to the 25th highest SO2 concentration when data availability is 100% over the year.

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Concentration status for the CO limit value, 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of CO maximum daily max 8-hour mean for the year 2011.

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Concentration status for the benzo(a)pyrene target value in 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of benzo(a)pyrene annual mean concentrations for the year 2011.

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Concentration status for the benzene limit value, 2011

Distribution of stations by thresholds of C6H6 annual mean concentrations for the year 2011.

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Climate change mitigation policies and measures in Europe

This database contains a number of policies and measures (PAM) implemented or planned by European countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these PAMs have been reported to the European Commission, the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or the EEA. The search engine gives access to detailed information for each of these PAMs including, in some cases, the expected reductions in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the implementation of these PAMs, as estimated by countries.

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Per capita EU-27 consumption of meat, fish and dairy (by weight)

Line graph of changes over time in consumption per capita for poultry, cheese, fish and seafood, milk, meat, pork and beef (index: 1995 = 100)

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Indicative map of combined environmental challenges related to land use

The map captures some of the complexity of the multiple demands on land resources, with urban sprawl, agricultural intensification and land abandonment exerting pressures on biodiversity and water resources.

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