
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Annual mean concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (ng/m3), 2011

Dark green dots correspond to concentrations under the WHO reference level (0.12 ng/m3). Pale green dots correspond to concentrations under the lower assessment threshold (0.4 ng/m3). Orange dots correspond to concentrations between the lower and the upper assessment threshold (0.6 ng/m3). Red dots correspond to concentrations above the upper assessment threshold but under the target value of 1 ng/m3. Dark red dots correspond to concentrations exceeding the target value of 1 ng/m3.

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Annual mean benzene concentrations

The map shows the annual mean benzene concentrations in 2011, based on annual averages with percentage of valid measurements >= 50% in μg/m3

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Annual mean concentrations of heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel), 2011

The four maps shows the annual mean concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel in the year 2011

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Annual changes in concentrations of PM10, O3 and NO2 in the period 2001–2010

The data presented were derived from a consistent set of stations in all years. Statistically significant trends (level of significance 0.1) are calculated by applying the Mann-Kendall test. Increasing concentrations are indicated with red dots and decreasing concentrations with green dots, when statistically significant. The applied method is described in de Leeuw, 2012.

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Percentage of the EU urban population exposed to air pollution exceeding  WHO air quality guidelines

The figure shows percentage of the EU urban population exposed to air pollution exceeding WHO air quality guidelines

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Attainment situation for annual limit value of benzene in 2011

The graph is based on the annual mean concentration values for each Member State; the boxes present the range of concentrations at all stations types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the limit value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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EU emissions of As, Cd, Hg, Ni and Pb, 2002–2011, as a percentage of 2002 emissions

The graph shows the development in As (and other heavy metals) emissions reported by the EU Member States between 2002 and 2011 as a percentage of 2002 emissions.

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Attainment situation for the maximum daily 8-hour mean value of CO in 2011

The graph is based on the maximum daily 8-hour mean value of CO concentrations (in mg/m3) for each Member State; the boxes present the range of concentrations at all stations types officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the limit value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Percentage of the EU urban population exposed to SO2 concentrations over the daily average limit value for protection of human health, 2002–2011

Monitoring data from AirBase provide the basis for estimating the European population's exposure to exceedances of the SO2 limit value of 125 µg/m3 as a daily average. According to the relevant directive, this limit value should not to be exceeded on more than three days in a year and was to be met by 2005.

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Attainment situation for SO2 in 2011

The red line corresponds to the EU limit value of 125 μg/m3, EU Member States only. The graph is based on the 99.18 percentiles of the daily mean concentration values for each Member State; the boxes present the range of the 99.18 percentiles at all stations types (in μg/m3) with data officially reported by the EU Member States and how they relate to the daily limit value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Percentage of the EU urban population potentially exposed to NO2 concentration over the limit value set for protection of human health, 2002–2011

The NO2 monitoring data in AirBase provide the basis for estimating the exposure of the European population to exceedances of the NO2 annual mean limit value of 40 µg/m3. Figure 4.4 presents this data for the period 2002–2011, based on NO2 measured at urban background monitoring stations.

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Trends in NO2 annual mean (top) and NO2 hourly concentrations (bottom) in μg/m3, 2002–2011, per station type

The graphs are based on annual mean concentration trends (top) and the trends in percentile 99.78 of NO2 hourly values (bottom); they present the range of concentration changes per year (in μg/m3) per station type (urban, traffic, rural, and other — mostly industrial). The trends are calculated based on the officially reported data by the EU Member States with a minimum data coverage of 75 % of valid data per year for at least 8 years out of the 10-year period. The diagram indicates the lowest and highest trends, the means and the lower and upper quartiles, per station type. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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Percentage of the EU urban population exposed to ozone concentrations over the target value threshold set for protection of human health, 2002–2011

The O3 monitoring data in AirBase provide the basis for estimating the urban exposure of the European population to exceedances of the EU's O3 target value (applicable from 2010) for the protection of human health, for the period 2002–2011.

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EU Emissions of O3 precursor gases

CH4 emissions are total emissions (IPPC sectors 1–7) excluding sector 5, LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry).

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Contributions to EU emissions from main source sectors of primary PM, NOX, SOX, NMVOCs and NH3, 2002–2011 (Gg/year = 1 000 tonnes/year)

This figure shows the sectoral output of primary PM and precursor gases Various source sectors contribute to the primary anthropogenic PM and precursor gases

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EU Emissions of primary PM and of PM precursor gases

Emissions of primary PM fell in the EU by 14 % for PM10 and 16 % for PM2.5 between 2002 and 2011. The reductions in the same period for the 32 EEA member countries were 9 % for PM10 and also 16 % for PM2.5.

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Attainment situation for PM10, PM2.5 and O3 in 2011

The graph is based on the 90.41 percentile of PM10 daily mean concentration values corresponding to the 36th highest daily mean for each Member State; the boxes present the range of concentrations at all stations types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the limit value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data. The graph is based on PM2.5 annual mean concentration values; they present the range of concentrations at all stations types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the target value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data. The graph is based on the 93.15 percentile of maximum daily 8-hour mean concentration values corresponding to the 26th highest daily maximum of the running 8-h mean for each Member State; the boxes present the range of concentrations at all stations types (in μg/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the target value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data.

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4th highest 24-hour mean SO2 concentration observed at urban stations, 2001-2011 (EU-27)

Only urban and sub-urban background monitoring stations have been included in the calculations. Data for Cyprus, Denmark, Greece and Malta, are not included due to missing availability of operational urban and sub-urban background monitoring stations in the Urban Audit cities.

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Percentage of urban population resident in areas for days per year with SO2 concentration exceeding daily limit value, 2001-2011 (EU-27)

The limit value is 125 µg SO2/m3 as a daily average, not to be exceeded more than three days in a year. Over the years 2001-2009 the total population for which exposure estimates are made, increased from 85 to 100 million people due to an increasing number of monitoring stations reporting under the Exchange of Information Decision. Year-to-year variations in exposure classes are partly caused by the changes in spatial coverage. Only urban and sub-urban background monitoring stations have been included in the calculations. Data for Cyprus, Denmark, Greece and Malta, are not included due to missing availability of operational urban and sub-urban background monitoring stations in the Urban Audit cities.

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