
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Share of Renewable Energy to Final Energy Consumption with normalised hydro and wind in EEA countries

Share of Renewable Energy to Final Energy Consumption with normalised hydro and wind in EEA countries.

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Share of renewable energy to final energy consumption

The share of renewable energy in final energy consumption in the EU-27

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Bio-waste recycling as a percentage of municipal waste generation in 32 European countries, 2001 and 2010

Bio-waste recycling in 32 European countries as a percentage of total municipal waste generated in 2001 and 2010

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Index of final energy intensity and energy intensity by sector, EU-27

Index of final energy intensity and energy intensity by sector, EU-27. Final energy intensity or final energy consumption intensity refers to the ratio between the final energy consumption and the GDP

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Corine Land Cover types - 2006

Based on Corine Land Cover 2006, the map shows the distribution of aggregated land cover classes.

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Agriculture and land cover change 2000 - 2006

Based on Corine Land Cover 2006 and changes between 2000 and 2006, the map shows the distribution and intensity of selected Land Cover Flows (LCF) in agricultural area.

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Dominant land cover flows 2000 - 2006

Based on Corine Land Cover 2006 and changes between 2000 and 2006, the map shows the land take distribution and intensity of dominant Land Cover Flows (LCF)

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Forest and land cover change 2000 - 2006

Based on Corine Land Cover 2006 and changes between 2000 and 2006, the map shows the distribution and intensity of selected Land Cover Flows (LCF) in forest area

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Estimated share of pre Euro/conventional, Euro 1-5 gasoline and diesel passenger cars and light-duty vehicles in 30 EEA member countries, 1995, 2005 and 2011

The graph shows the estimated share of pre Euro/conventional, Euro 1-5 gasoline and diesel passenger cars and light-duty vehicles in 30 EEA member countries, 1995, 2005 and 2011

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Estimated share of pre Euro/conventional and Euro I-V heavy-duty vehicles, buses and coaches and conventional and Euro 1-3 mopeds and motorcycles in 30 EEA member countries, 1995, 2005 and 2011

The graph shows the estimated share of pre Euro/conventional and Euro I-V heavy-duty vehicles, buses and coaches and conventional and Euro 1-3 mopeds and motorcycles in 30 EEA member countries, 1995, 2005 and 2011.

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Estimated vehicle-kilometre share of pre Euro/conventional, Euro 1-5 gasoline and diesel passenger cars and light-duty vehicles in 30 EEA member countries, 1995 and 2011

Estimated vehicle-kilometre share of pre Euro/conventional, Euro 1-5 gasoline and diesel passenger cars and light-duty vehicles in 30 EEA member countries, 1995 and 2011

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Estimated vehicle-kilometre share of pre Euro/conventional and Euro I-V heavy-duty vehicles, buses and coaches and conventional and Euro 1-3 mopeds and motorcycles in 30 EEA member countries 1995 and 2011

Estimated vehicle-kilometre share of pre Euro/conventional and Euro I-V heavy-duty vehicles, buses and coaches and conventional and Euro 1-3 mopeds and motorcycles in 30 EEA member countries 1995 and 2011

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Final energy consumption (million TOE) and per capita final consumption, EU-27

Final energy consumption (million TOE) and per capita final consumption, EU-27. TOE refers to Tonnes of Oil equivalent. Data for Iceland and Liechtenstein was not available from EUROSTAT.

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Total final energy consumption by sector in the EU-27, 1990-2010

Consists of 5 figures that show the total final energy consumption, final energy consumption of petroleum products, final energy consumption of electricity, final energy consumption of natural gas and final energy consumption of solid fuel, all by sector in the EU-27.

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Total energy intensity, relative energy intensity (as PPS) and per capita consumption

Total energy intensity (index 1995=100), relative energy intensity (as PPS) and per capita consumption

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Production, imports, exports and consumption of Fluorinated gases (F-gases) for years 2007-2011 in the EU-27 (Mt CO2 eq, GWP TAR)

The figure shows the emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) on Production, Imports, Exports and Consumption from 2007 to 2011. Emissions are provided in Mt CO2 equivalent using the Global Warming Potential values of the 3rd IPCC Assessment report (TAR).

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Type of waste water treatment in EU big cities (agglomerations of more than 150 000 p.e.) expressed as % of total generated load treated, situation on 31st December 2009/2010

The pie-chart summarizes the type of treatment applied in the wastewater treatment plants of 586 big cities/big dischargers (250,2 mil. p.e.) reported in 2011 by the Member States and Norway. In total 640 big cities and big dischargers was reported, however complete data on waste water pathways was available only for 586.

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Specific CO2 emissions from road passenger and freight transport in Europe, 1995, 2005 and 2011

The graph shows development of specific CO2 emissions for the road transport mode, by category (passenger cars, vans, two wheelers, buses & coaches, light-duty vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles) in 1995, 2005 and 2011. Data coverage: EEA-32 excluding Iceland and Liechtenstein

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Specific CO2 emissions per tonne-km and per mode of transport in Europe, 1995-2011

The graph shows development of specific CO2 emissions, defined as emissions of CO2 per transport unit (tonne-km), by freight transport mode (road, rail, maritime, inland shipping) over the period 1995 to 2011. Data coverage: EEA-32 excluding Iceland and Liechtenstein

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Specific CO2 emissions per passenger-km and per mode of transport in Europe, 1995-2011

The graph shows development of specific CO2 emissions, defined as emissions of CO2 per transport unit (passenger-km), by passenger transport mode (road, rail, maritime, air) over the period 1995 to 2011. Data coverage: EEA-32 excluding Iceland and Liechtenstein

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