
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Proportion (%) of HM and BaP measuring stations where the sample uses the PM10 particle size fraction in the EU Member States

All operational stations (defined as having data coverage of more than 0 %). 'Other' may include aerosol (undefined size), TSP, PM2.5.

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Trend in average annual mean C6H6 concentrations

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the diagram a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations.

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Trend in annual mean CO concentrations (2001–2010) per station type

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in mg/m3. In the diagram a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations

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Attainment situation for BaP, 2010

The graphs are based on the annual mean concentration values. They present the range of concentrations at all station types (in ng/m3) officially reported by the EU Member States and how the concentrations relate to the target value set by EU legislation (marked by the red line). The diagram indicates the lowest and highest observations, the means and the lower and upper quartiles. The lower quartile splits the lowest 25 % of the data and the upper quartile splits the highest 25 % of the data. Based on a minimum of 15 % data coverage.

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Distance-to-target graphs for daily limit value of PM10 (top) and for annual target value of PM2.5 (bottom), 2010

The graphs show the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on y-the axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in µg/m3). Vertical lines correspond to target or limit values set by the EU legislation.

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Distance-to-target graphs for the ozone target threshold for protection of human health (top) and protection of crops (middle) and forests (bottom), in 2010

The graphs show the percentage frequency distribution of the 26th highest daily maximum of the running 8h-mean O3 concentrations for the various types of stations (top); AOT40 concentrations measured in rural stations in the EU for the protection of vegetation (accumulated over May to July) (middle) and for the protection of forests (accumulated over April to September) (bottom).

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Distance-to-target graphs for the annual (top) and hourly (bottom) NO2 limit value, for different station types, 2010

The graphs show the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on the y-axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in µg/m3). Vertical lines correspond to target or threshold values set by the EU legislation.

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 Distance-to-target graph for the CO limit value, 2010

The graph shows the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on the y-axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in mg/m3). The vertical line corresponds to the limit value set by the EU legislation.

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Distance-to-target graphs for the daily (top) and hourly (bottom) limit values of SO2 for health protection, 2010

The graphs show the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on the y-axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in µg/m3). Vertical lines correspond to the limit values set by the EU legislation.

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Distance-to-target graph for the benzene limit value, 2010

The graph shows the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on the y-axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in µg/m3). The vertical line corresponds to the limit value set by the EU legislation.

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Distance-to-target graph for the benzo(a)pyrene target value, 2010

The graph shows the percentage frequency distribution of stations (on the y-axis) in the EU Member States versus the various concentration classes (on the x-axis, in ng/m3). The vertical line corresponds to the target value set by the EU legislation.

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Trend in average annual SO2 concentrations (2001–2010) per station type

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the diagram a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations.

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Trend in NO2 and NOX annual mean concentrations (2001–2010) per station type (top); percentage frequency distribution of estimated annual change of NO2 annual mean concentrations at urban stations and at traffic stations (bottom)

All stations in EU Member States, with at least 75 % data coverage for at least eight years were included in the analysis. Concentrations per station type are given in μg/m3. In the top two diagrams a geographical bias exists towards central Europe where there is a higher density of stations. In the percentage frequency distribution graphs, closed bars denote stations showing a statistically significant trend, open bars denote stations with a non-significant trend. Statistically significant trends (level of significance 0.1) are calculated by applying the Mann-Kendall test. The applied method is described in de Leeuw, 2012.

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