
Global search on data, maps and indicators

EU exports of used textiles to other regions, 2000, 2010 and 2019, percent

Throughout the past two decades, Africa has been the main receiving continent of used textiles from the EU. But by the end of the period, Asia had significantly increased its share and by 2019 was almost as big as Africa as can be seen from Figure 3 below. In 2000, Africa imported more than 60% of all EU exports, and Asia 26%. In 2019 the proportions had drastically changed to respectively 46% and 41%, meaning that the two continents were almost importing an equal share of the used textiles that the EU exported. Non-EU European countries have imported a small proportion of EU used textiles, around 10%, which has remained relatively constant over the years. North and South America, and Oceania imported 0-2% of EU exports, see Figure 3.

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Number and cumulative number of non-indigenous species in Europe's marine subregions, 1970-2020

The combo charts show the number of new introductions of non-indigenous species (NIS) (dots with trendline, primary axis) and the cumulative number of NIS by main species group (stacked columns, secondary axis) reported in Europe’s marine subregions, per 6-year interval between 1970 and 2017.

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Number and cumulative number of marine non-indigenous species in Europe's seas, 1970-2020

The figure shows the number of new non-indigenous species (NIS) reported by marine region. The line-bar chart shows the total number of new introductions of NIS (grey bars) and by main species group (lines) reported in Europe’s seas combined and by marine region, per 6-year interval between 1970 and 2017. The stacked column charts show the cumulative number of new NIS introductions by main species group, in Europe’s seas combined and by marine region, per 6-year interval between 1970 and 2020.

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Pathways of introduction of non-indigenous species to Europe’s seas, 1970-2020

The pie chart shows the share of the different pathways of introduction of new non-indigenous species (NIS) to Europe's seas over the years 1970 to 2020. The category 'Other' includes several modes of introduction, namely 'Transport-stowaway: other', 'release in nature', 'escape from confinement', 'corridor' and 'unknown'. The stacked column chart shows the trend in the number of new NIS by pathway of introduction between 1970 and 2017, on a 6-year cycle. While introductions by Transport-Stowaway (ballast water, hull fouling and others) remain the prevalent mode, 'unaided' and 'escape from confinement' have grown in importance in the latest assessment cycles.

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Marine non-indigenous species in Europe's seas for MSFD D2

This dataset contains the list of all-know and verified records of non-indigenous species (NIS) in Europe’s seas, last updated in October 2022, and used to produce the EEA marine indicator on "Marine non-indigenous species in Europe's seas" (MAR002). MSFD D2: "Marine Strategy Framework Directive Descriptor 2"

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Water abstraction by economic sector, 2000-2019

Annual total water abstraction considered by economic sector i.e. agriculture (including forestry and fishing), electricity cooling, manufacturing cooling, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, construction and public water supply, as defined in NACE (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities) sections. Hydropower is excluded.

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Water abstraction by source, 2000-2019

Water abstraction is from groundwater and surface water. Surface water contains water abstraction from rivers, reservoirs and lakes. The figure illustrates total annual water abstraction from groundwater and surface water by economic sector, i.e. agriculture, electricity cooling, manufacturing cooling, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, construction and public water supply, as defined in NACE (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities) sections. Hydropower is excluded.

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Changes in the contributions of buses and trains (collective transport modes) to inland passenger transport and inland waterways and trains (non-road modes) to freight transport across European countries between 2005 and 2020

The figure shows the change, in percentage points, in the contribution of buses and trains (collective transport modes) to total inland passenger transport (left panel) and inland waterways and trains (non-road modes) to total freight transport (right panel) by country for the period 2005-2020.

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Contribution of buses and trains (collective transport modes) and inland waterways and trains (non-road transport modes) to inland passenger transport and freight transport, respectively, in the EU-27

The figure shows the share of bus and trains (collective modes) and of inland waterways and trains (non-road modes) in total inland passenger and freight transport activity respectively in the EU-27.

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Summary of preliminary classification and identification of ‘non-problem areas’ and ‘potential problem areas’ with respect to marine litter in Europe’s Seas for all areas and for four regions

The MALT tool assesses status with respect to maring litter, assigning a class of High, Good, Moderate, Poor or Bad. The larger figure shows the sum of assessed area having each of the status classes across Europe's Seas and the four smaller figures shows the summarizerd area for each status class within four regions: (1) Baltic Sea, (2) North-east Atlantic Ocean, (3) Mediterranean Sea and (4) Black Sea

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Total amounts of generated PPSI (plastic packaging and small non-packaging plastic items) waste (million tonnes) that is managed (light orange) and mismanaged (dark orange) in overall EEA-32 countries and United Kingdom, in 2012 and 2018

See report Marine Litter in Europe-An integrated assessment from source to sea (

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Europe currently demands around 20 million tonnes of  plastic for packaging

The figure shows the change in plastics demand for packaging in Europe

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Spatial distribution of Floating Macrolitter Loading from Europe into the ocean

The map shows the spatial distribution of Floating Macrolitter Loading from Europe into the ocean based on mean-based modelled estimates calculated using the RIMMEL database. The coloured dots represent litter loading predicted on the basis of the Mamanaged Waste in each individual drainage basin, including permanent rivers, non-permanent rivers and streams.

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Total waste and plastic packaging waste generation versus GDP in EU-27

The figure shows Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and plastic packaging waste generated per person in EU-27, between 2011 and 2020, and total waste generation between 2010 and 2020.

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Nearly 40 percent of plastic demand comes from the production of plastic packaging

The figure shows estimated Market Demand in 2021 for the EU-27 plus United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Norwey in percentages. The above data are rounded estimations. Demand data are built on estimations of quantities bought by European converters, including imports. Demand for recycled plastics and bio-based/bio-attributed plastics is not included. Polymers that are not used in the conversion of plastic parts and products (i.e. for textiles, adhesives, sealants, coatings, etc.) are not included.

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Total amounts of generated PPSI (plastic packaging and small non-packaging plastic items) waste (million tonnes) that is managed (light orange) and mismanaged (dark orange) in overall EEA-32 countries and United Kingdom, in 2012 and 2018

See report Marine Litter in Europe-An integrated assessment from source to sea (

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Europe currently demands around 20 million tonnes of  plastic for packaging

The figure shows the change in plastics demand for packaging in Europe.

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Example from EEA’s interactive data platform showing accounts of the land surface sealing status in Europe for 2018

The example present results from EEA's regular mapping for the indicators ‘Imperviousness and imperviousness change in Europe’, for the inventory year 2018.

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