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Relative gaps (over-delivery or shortfall) between greenhouse gas projections and 2010 targets for EU-15 Member States

For all EU15 Member States projections assume existing and additional domestic policies and measures were available, but for some Member States projections did not change compared to last year's, or updates were taken from NAPs

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Simulated land average maximum 5-day total precipitation for different European regions (1860-2100)

The 20th century (black), models simulations for IPCC SRES intermediate A1B (orange) and low B1 (green) emission scenarios

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State of progress by Member States in designating sufficient protected areas to provide for Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) Annex I habitats and Annex II species

The figure shows the state of progress by Member States in designating sufficient protected areas to provide for Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) Annex I habitats and Annex II species Marine areas are excluded

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Gross electricity production by fuel, EU-27

Data shown are for gross electricity production and include electricity production from both public and auto-producers

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Share of 2006 greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-27, by gas

Emissions from international aviation and international maritime navigation, not covered by the Kyoto Protocol, are not included here

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Mean and maximum values of annual averages of PM10 for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data were available was chosen

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Unleaded fuel use in EU-15, 1990-2002

Data series for the acceding and candidate countries as well as for Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein are not complete and therefore not included in the above graph.

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