
Global search on data, maps and indicators

EU-15 past and projected greenhouse gas emissions from waste

GHG projections for the EU-15 are calculated on the basis of projections reported by twelve Member States

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Changes in annual precipitation for the IPCC A2 scenario (2071-2100 compared with 1961-1990) for four different climate models

The map shows for 4 different climate models the projected changes in annual precipitation, based on the IPCC A2 baseline scenario

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Estimated impact of different factors on the reduction of CO2, SO2 and NOX emissions from public heat and electricity generation in the EU-25, 1990-2003

The technique used to derive the graphs is based on the multiplicative 'IPAT' and 'Kaya' identities, which is a frequently used approach for portraying the primary driving forces of emissions

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Total energy consumption by fuel, EEA

Total energy consumption (or gross inland energy consumption) equals domestic energy production plus energy imports, minus exports and plus net withdrawals from stocks

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Road transport fatalities per year (AC-13)

AC-12 refers to all Accession Countries but Lithuania.

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Transport emissions of air pollutants in EEA member countries

International aviation and maritime transport are not included in this figure

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Change in land use from agriculture to artificial surfaces as a percentage of agricultural area (in 1990) mapped using a 3 km grid

The map shows the changes in land use from agriculture to artificial surfaces as a percentage of agricultural area (in 1990)

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Corine biotopes in Baltic and Phare countries

Map of Corine biotopes boundaries in Baltic and Phare countries

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