
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Chemical status of rivers and lakes

The graphs illustrate the chemical status of river and lake water bodies as percentage of water bodies in poor and good chemical status, by count of water bodies.

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Chemical status of groundwater bodies

The graphs illustrate the chemical status of groundwater, Percentage of groundwater bodies in poor and good status, by area.

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Ecological status or potential of lake water bodies in different Member States (a), and proportion of lake water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures (b)

The graphs illustrate the ecological status of lake water bodies (a) and percentage of lake water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures

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Ecological status or potential of classified river water bodies in different Member States (a), and proportion of river water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures (b)

The graphs illustrate the ecological status of river water bodies (a) and percentage of river water bodies affected by diffuse pollution and hydromorphology pressures

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Percentage of natural, heavily modified, artificial and unknown status for river, lake, transitional and coastal water bodies

The graphs illustrate the designation of heavily and artificial water bodies

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Production of ozone depleting substances (EEA-32), 1986-2011

Production is defined under Article 1(5) of the Montreal Protocol as production minus the amount destroyed minus the amount entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals.

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Map of RBDs and sea regions used in the report

Extent of river basin districts

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Historical development of the biotic community and average oxygen levels of the River Rhine near Emmerich and the Elbe near Magdeburg

Historical development of the biotic community and average oxygen levels of the River Rhine near Emmesrich and the Elbe near Magdeburg

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Generation of packaging waste and GDP in the EU 27

The figure shows the generation of packaging waste and GDP (Gross domestic product) in the EU27

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Packaging waste generation per capita and by country

The table shows the packaging waste generation per capita by country 1997 - 2010. The Croatian data reflects the collected amount (not the generated amount)

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Generation of packaging waste and GDP in the EU-15

The figure shows the generation of packaging waste and GDP in the EU-15 countries from 1998-2010

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Treatment of packaging waste in the EU-15

The figure shows the treatment of packaging waste 1997-2010

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