
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Trends in winter nitrate and phosphate concentrations, and N/P ratio in coastal waters of the North Atlantic, the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Mediterranean.

Trend analyses are based on time series 1985-2002 from each monitoring station having at least 3 years data in the period 1995-2002 and at least 5 years data in all

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Urban water use

Urban water use

12 Nov 2009

Urban water use per capita per year is based on the total population of a country rather than the population that is connected to the urban water supply

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Total number of remediated sites in selected European countries in 2000 and 2002

(a) Switzerland: data refer to >100 sites (b) Italy

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Percentage of petrol cars fitted with catalytic converters in the EU (1996 and 1999)

Data from Ireland, Italy, the United Kingdom and Portugal refers to 1996?98 instead of 1996?99.

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Generation of nuclear wastes: spent fuel arisings

1998 figures for Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom based on provisional data

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Shipments of notified waste from EU Member States to other EU and non-EU countries, 1997-2005

Shipment of notified waste from the EU Member States relates to: old EU Member States (EU-15) (5); new EU Member States (NMS-10); EFTA countries; other OECD countries; and nonOECD countries

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Contribution to change in ozone precursors emissions for each sector and pollutant (EU-27 - EU-15)

Contribution to change plots show the contribution to the total emission change between 1990-2005 made by a specified sector/ pollutant

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Treatment of waste tyres in the EU+3

EU+3 refers to EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

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Household energy consumption, space heating per m2, climate corrected

1990 and 2005 data are climate corrected against each country's long-term average climate, whereas the last series is climate corrected and scaled against the EU long-term average climate to account for temperature differences between countries.

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