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Left: This graph shows past (1990-2004) and projected (2010) emissions due to industrial processes (non-energy related), and compares them with gross value added in industry
Household water use is generally calculated from the estimated or measured total public water supply and can either include or exclude leakage losses in the distribution system
The EU15 target including Kyoto mechanisms and sinks is based on an estimated projected use of Kyoto mechanisms and activities under Article 3.3 and 3.4 (carbon sinks)
Oil and gas pipelines account for only about 0.3 % of total energy use by transport and are not included in the chart.
Bars represent average annual concentrations over a limited number of monitoring stations along busy roads in major European cities (Vienna, Bruxelles, Prague, Helsinki, Paris, Berlin, Athens, Krakow, Bratislava, Stockholm and London), error bars represent the highest annual concentration measured at one single monitoring station
EEA calculations on the basis of the following: Harvested crops and forage Crop area (Eurostat's ZPA1 data set or Farm Structure Survey); Livestock numbers (Eurostat's ZPA1 data set or Farm Structure Survey); Livestock excretion rates (OECD or averaged coefficients from Member States); Fertiliser rates (EFMA); Nitrogen fixation (OECD or averaged coefficients from Member States Farm Structure Survey); Atmospheric Deposition (EMEP); Yields (Eurostat's ZPA1 data set or average coefficients from Member States).
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