
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Projected changes in annual, summer and winter temperature

Projected changes in annual (left), summer (middle) and winter (right) near-surface air temperature (°C) in the period 2071-2100, compared with the baseline period 1971-2000 for the forcing scenarios RCP 4.5 (top) and RCP 8.5 (bottom). Model simulations are based on the multi-model ensemble average of RCM simulations from the EURO-CORDEX initiative.

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Share of global environmental footprints caused by different household consumption categories

The graph shows the share of direct and indirect environmental pressures (footprints) caused by EU-27 household consumption expenditure on different household consumption categories. The household consumption categories are developed from the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) single digit categories. COICOP one-digit includes12 broad categories of consumption. 3 pairs of COICOP categories (CP01& CP02; CP06 & CP10; CP07 & CP08) have been merged to give 9 categories in total. Shares are shown for 6 different environmental pressure types: GHGs, acidifying air pollutant emissions, tropospheric ozone precursors, material use, land and water.

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Trend in absolute sea level in European seas based on satellite measurements (1992–2013)

Trend in absolute sea level in European seas based on satellite measurements (1992–2013)

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