
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Emission trends of ammonia

This chart shows past emission trends of ammonia in the EEA-33 and EU-28 group of countries. In addition - for the EU-28 - the 2010 and 2020 emission ceilings and paths are shown.

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Emission trends of sulphur oxides

EEA aggregated and gap-filled air emission dataset, based on 2013 officially reported national total and sectoral emissions to UNECE LRTAP Convention and the EU NEC Directive.

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Sector share of sulphur oxides emissions

The contribution made by different sectors to emissions of sulphur dioxide.

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Distance-to-target for sulphur oxides

The distance-to-target for sulphur oxides shows how current emissions compare to a linear emission reduction 'target-path' between 2010 emission levels and the 2020 Gothenburg emission ceiling for each country. Negative percentage values indicate the current emissions in a country are below the linear target path; positive values show that current emission lie above a linear target path to 2020.

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Annual variation in the ozone AOT40 value for crops (May-July) in (μg/m³).h, 1996–2010

Average values over all rural stations which reported data over at least eleven years in the period 1996-2010. The black line corresponds to the 5-year averaged value. Variations over Europe in observed values is large, eighty percent of the observations falls with the red shaded area.

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Agricultural area (in 1 000 km²) in EEA member countries for each exposure class

A data summary of agricultural area (in 1000 km²) for EEA countries for each exposure class is given in the table below. The total agricultural area in the EEA-32 member countries excluding Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey amounts to be 2.024 million km2; since 2007 Iceland and Norway are included in the analysis increasing the total agricultural area to 2042 million km2. Since 2008 data for Switzerland is available

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