
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Common Birds in Europe, population index

Common bird index shows the population trends of farmland, forest and all common bird species

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Long-term trends in eutrophication in the Baltic Sea

The chart shows the annual classified Eutrophication status in each of 9 basins of the Baltic Sea over the period from 1901 to 2012. The status is assigned one of five classes "High", "Good", "Moderate", "Poor" or "Bad", depending on the Eutrophcation Ratio calculated by the HEAT tool. See more details in Andersen et al. (2015) Biol. Rev. 1 doi: 10.1111/brv.12221

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Annual average cooling degree days, 1990-2016, mapped against long-term unemployment (left) and proportion of people >= 75 years old (right), 2013-2014

The left map uses a colour gradient to show the long-term unemployment rate per NUTS2 region, classified in quantiles, against the highest number of cooling degree days as hatched areas (only the top 20 % of regions with the highest number of CDDS are shown). The right map uses a colour gradient to show the percentage of the elderly per NUTS2 region, classified in quantiles, against the highest number of cooling degree days represented as hatched areas (only the top 20 % of CDDs are shown).

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The EU’s consumption-based performance for selected planetary boundaries

The study takes a conservative approach, as it calculates the European share based on the lower end values of the global zone of uncertainty de ned by Ste en et al. (2015). For example, the global zone of uncertainty for Freshwater is de ned as 4000-6000 km3 in Ste en et al. (2015). This study uses 4000 km3 as the basis for calculating the European share. In some cases (indicated in brackets) slightly di erent control variables have been used than in Ste en et al. (2015).The yellow zone of uncertainty represents the average range across six principles to allocate a European share of the global safe operating space (equality, needs, rights to development, sovereignity, capability).More information in the forthcoming EEA report

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Correlation between Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index

Correlation between Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index (HDI). HDI values above 0.8 are defined as "Living well", Ecological footprint values below 1.7 are defined as "Living within environmental limits".The value of 1.7 refers to the average biocapacity per person globally in 2014 (see also The HDI value of 0.8 refers to 'very high human development', according to UNDP (see

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Trends in global domestic extraction of materials, 1970 – 2017

The graph distinguishes 4 material groups (in tonnes): biomass, non-metallic minerales, fossil fuels, metal ores

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Trends in total population by world region, 1950–2100

final demand: footprint of total final demand, including both in use impact or resource use and production impact or resource use water consumption footprint blue and green water consumption energy use footprint: energy carrier use land use footprint: arable land and permanent pasture material use footprint: use of primary raw materials

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Trends in conservation status of non-bird species assessed as unfavourable at EU level

These are species from the Habitats Directive. The number of assessments is indicated in parenthesis. The total number of assessments is 2 665.

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Complementarity between European designations (Natura 2000 and Emerald networks) and national designations by share of terrestrial area

The overlap for Switzerland relates to Emerald Network sites rather than Natura 2000 sites. CDDA = Common Database of Designated Areas; N2000 = Natura 2000.

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Area of Natura 2000 sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives in 2017

Trend of sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives

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European grassland butterfly indicator

The indicator the population trends of European grassland butterflies

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Peak and 2100 concentration levels of total greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere consistent with keeping the global average temperature increase below 1.5 °C (left) and 2 °C (right), for various probability levels

The number of years within which the peak concentration levels could be exceeded are indicated by the purple arrows, given the trend in total greenhouse gas concentrations over the past 10 years (based on IPCC, 2018)

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