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Data for Germany in 1990 include West Germany only
This graph shows the evolution of GHG emissions between 1990 and 2004 and the total projected emissions by 2010 in the EU-15 Member States.
The Kyoto mechanisms are projected to account for 2.5 % of the EUtarget of an 8 % reduction, and the carbon sink activities are projected to contribute to an additional 0.9 %
The change in particulate matter includes emissions of both primary and secondary particulate-forming pollutants (the fraction of sulphur dioxide SO2, nitrogen oxides NOX and ammonia NH3 which, as a result of photo-chemical reactions in the atmosphere, transform into particulate matter with a diameter of 10 ¼m or less)
Simulated soil moisture by ECHAM5/T106L31 for the baseline period (1961-1990) (left) and relative changes in % under the IPCC A2 scenario (2071-2100) (right).
For Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Portugal the data are from 2001.
The steep increase between 1999 and 2000 in the efficiency of heat and electricity production is mainly due to an important rise in heat production in Germany
Total caesium-137 (nuclear weapons test, Chernobyl, ...)
The categories Total emissions, Energy and Transport do not include emissions and removals from LULUCF (carbon sink activities) and emissions from international bunkers (international aviation and maritime transport).
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