
Global search on data, maps and indicators

The probabilistic implications for global temperature increase up to year 2400

Above preindustrial levels for pathways stabilising at 450 and 550 ppm CO2equivalent concentration levels (upper row) and the pathways that peak at 510 and 550 ppm respectively (lower row)

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Freight transport volumes grow along with GDP

Note: The decoupling columns displayed in the chart represent annual decoupling

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Percentage of river stations per country with significant increasing, stable or decreasing BOD trend between 1992 and 2006

Number of river monitoring stations included in analysis noted in brackets

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Proportion of national land territory and marine surface area protected under the Bird and Habitats Directives

(1) = The area of the Member State and the % corresponds to the area of Cyprus where the Community acquis applies at present, according to Protocol 10 of the Accession Treaty of Cyprus.

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Freight transport load factors

Load factors are expressed as percentage of available tonne-km with empty running included.

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Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections for EU-23

Data exclude emissions and removals from land use change and forestry

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TERM04 PM10 mean and maximum values of annual averages for traffic and urban background stations

Station pairs from capital cities were preferred, but when not available the next largest city for which data was available was chosen

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EU Electricity production from nuclear  (percentages relative to 1990 level)

Data for Bulgaria is not included due to a lack of information.

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EU-27 greenhouse gas emission trends and projections to 2020

EU-27 greenhouse gas emission trends and projections to 2020

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Average annual percentage change in efficiency of electricity and of electricity and heat production from conventional thermal plants, 1990-2003

Output from conventional thermal power stations consists of gross electricity generation and also of any heat sold to third parties (Combined heat and power plants) by conventional thermal public utility power stations as well as autoproducer thermal power stations

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