
Data and maps


Europe's natural capital is under growing cumulative pressure from intensive agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and urban sprawl. A substantial volume of relevant EU legislation already exists but lacks adequate integration in sectoral policies. Mismanagement of natural capital also persists because its full value is not reflected in socio-economic policies and choices despite its fundamental importance for society's welfare. Sustained efforts are needed globally to integrate it into national accounts.

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The main EU target of 'halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services' by 2020 remains a serious challenge.

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Life cycle

Life cycle

18 Feb 2015

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Estimated High Nature (HNV) presence in Europe

How to read the map: Green areas show likelihood to contain primarily HNV land, on the basis of a stratified selection of CORINE land cover clases per country and environmental zone, and national biodiversity data when available. The values in the map are a proxy for the proportion of HNV in each 1 km2 cell, 2012 update.

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Natura 2000 area calculations explanatory note

This note explains the methodology behind the calculations of the Natura 2000 Barometer for version 2013 onwards.

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Not just dirt: the importance of soil

Soil is connected to almost all aspects of our lives, yet we often take it for granted. To mark the International Day of Soil on December 5, we interviewed several project managers at the European Environment Agency (EEA) about this precious resource.

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Protected areas cover a quarter of Europe's land and almost 6 % of regional seas

Protected areas cover more than 1 000 000 km2 of land and more than 340 000 km2 of coastal and marine ecosystems in Europe, according to the latest data. These areas are vitally important for protecting the continent’s most vulnerable species, habitats and marine life.

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OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 - Terrestrial mean species abundance per region

OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 (Figure 4.9 "Terrestrial mean species abundance per region: Baseline, 2010-2050")

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Catch statistics (ICES)

Annual nominal catches of more than 200 species of fish and shellfish in the Northeast Atlantic region are officially submitted by 20 ICES member countries. ICES has been gathering and publishing fisheries statistics since 1904. The current data is collected and coordinated in collaboration with Statistical Office of the European Communities ( EUROSTAT) . The data sources are the national statistical offices, in some countries the collection and compilation of fisheries statistics are handled by specialized organizations.

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Common Birds in Europe, population index

European wild bird indicators, 2013 update  

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Abundant 'natural capital' in Europe's faraway lands

From tropical islands to icy tundra, European Union overseas entities are rich in 'natural capital'. Many of these areas have highly productive land and seas, and a huge diversity of ecosystems; collectively they are home to an astounding number of globally significant species.

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