
Data and maps

Land use — key message 2

Land use trends since 2000 remain the same as in the previous decade but most have slowed down somewhat. Urban areas, infrastructure and forest cover are still increasing at the expense of agricultural land. Farmland is often managed more intensively partly due to growing demand for bio-energy crops. Biodiversity-rich natural and semi-natural areas continue to decline, mostly becoming forested.

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Land use - key fact 4

Land use - key fact 4

26 Nov 2010

Forested land increased by 1 114 km2 from 2000-2006.

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Conservation status of species of European Union interest typical of coastal ecosystems in the EU-25

Conservation status of species per biogeographical area in coastal ecosystems.

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Conservation status of coastal habitat types of European Union interest in the EU-25

Conservation status of habitats per biogeographical area in coastal ecosystems

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Conservation status of species of European Union interest in agro-ecosystems in EU-25

Conservation status of species per biogeographic area in agro-ecosystems.

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