
Data and maps

Cumulative number of alien species established in terrestrial environment in 11 countries

How to read the graph: in the 1990s, the total number of terrestrial alien species reached more than 3 500 Species

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Cumulative number of alien species established in freshwater environment in 11 countries

How to read the graph: in the 1990s, the total number of freshwater alien species reached around 140 species

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Alien species in European marine/estuarine waters (October 2008)

How to read the graph: In the 1990s, the total number of alien marine species increased to around 1 000

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Biodiversity patent trends for European countries (publication portfolio)

Patent publication counts by publication year

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Deadwood per hectare in forests, 2005

How to read the graph: in 2005, Estonian forests averaged 6 m3/ha of standing deadwood and 5 m3/ha of lying deadwood.

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Biodiversity as a Share of European Patent Portfolios for Target Years

Data is presented as a percentage of country level patent publications for target years

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Red List Indices (RLIs) for birds in the EU-25, EFTA-4, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and South-Eastern Europe during 1994-2004, based on their extinction risk at pan-European level

n = 522 species How to read the graph: a lower value means a lower chance of survival (increased extinction risk).

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Marine Trophic Index for selected European seas (A)

How to read the graph: in the Baltic Sea, MTI has been decreasing since 1950.

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Evolution of native population sizes and endangered breeds (cattle)

How to read the graph: In France in 2005, around 40 % of the cattle population was native and 50 % of native cattle breeds were endangered.

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Evolution of native population sizes and endangered breeds in selected European countries (sheep)

How to read the graph: In France in 2005, around 90 % of the sheep population was native and 40 % of native sheep breeds were endangered.

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Marine Trophic Index for selected European seas (B)

How to read the graph: in the Mediterranean Sea, MTI has been stable since 1950.

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Change in forest connectivity between 1990 and 2000

How to read the map: in eastern Spain, there was a high decrease in forest connectivity between 1990 and 2000 for forestdwelling species with 1 km average dispersal distance

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Nitrogen input on agricultural land in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries

How to read the graph: between 1995 and 2004, total nitrogen input on agricultural land in Germany decreased from about 5 to about 4 million tonnes

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National patterns of core forest loss (%) by type of forest conversion and forest fragmentation process

How to read the graph: In Netherlands, nearly 60% of core forest loss is towards artificial/agricultural cover and dominated by shrinkage (around 45%), then attrition (above 10%)

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Common birds in Europe — population index (1980 = 100)

How to read the graph: since 1980 the number of common farmland birds has declined by around 50 %

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Spread of artificial and agricultural surfaces into previously core natural or semi-natural landscapes

How to read the map: in south-west Spain, the spread of artificial and agricultural surfaces into previously core natural/ seminatural landscapes was significant between 1990 and 2000

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Nitrogen balance per hectare of agricultural land

How to read the graph: in 20 years, nitrogen balance per ha was reduced from 240 to 173 kg/ha in Belgium.

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Share of designated areas per country in the following categories: only under national designation, only under EU Habitats Directive designation and both at national and EU Habitats Directive designation

The figure shows the share of designated areas per country in the following categories: only under national designation, only under EU Habitats Directive designation and both at national and EU Habitats Directive designation:

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