
Data and maps

Trends of common birds in Europe

List of population trends and indices of 136 common bird species in Europe which have been produced by the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) in 2009

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Butterfly Conservation Europe (Dataset URL is not available)

European Butterfly Indicator for Grassland species Butterflies and moths are declining seriously in most countries across Europe. Action is needed urgently at a European level to halt their decline and restore a countryside rich in butterflies, moths and other wildlife. Organisations and friends in various countries across Europe have therefore come together to form Butterfly Conservation Europe. Butterfly Conservation Europe is a partnership organisation focused on halting and reversing the decline of butterflies, moths and their habitats throughout Europe.

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Exceedance of critical loads for the most sensitive ecosystems (dataset URL is not available)

Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) Databases for use in the CCE Environmental Impact Assessment methodology are updated in collaboration with National Focal Centres. A "CCE background database" is used for Parties under the Convention or EC-member States that do not submit data.

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Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992

Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.

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Convention on biological diversity.

Convention on biological diversity.

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10 messages for 2010 - Agricultural ecosystems

Within the framework of the CAP, the last 50 years have seen increasing attention to biodiversity, but without clear benefits so far. With agriculture covering about half of EU land area, Europe's biodiversity is linked inextricably to agricultural practices, creating valuable agro-ecosystems across the whole of Europe.

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How Europe's agriculture can boost biodiversity

Intensive farming has long been a major cause of biodiversity decline in Europe. The European Environment Agency's (EEA) new short assessment examines Europe's efforts to strike a balance between producing sufficient food and maintaining agro-ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity above and below ground.

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Distribution of Natura 2000 sites across the 27 EU Member States

Distribution of Natura 2000 sites across the 27 EU Member States

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Sites of Community Importance (SCI) designated for the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in the EU-27 and its current distribution in EU-25 Member States according to the Article 17 EU Habitats Directive Reporting in 2008

Sites of Community Importance (SCI) designated for the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in the EU-27 and its current distribution in EU-25 Member States according to the Article 17 EU Habitats Directive Reporting in 2008

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Percentage of assessed freshwater animal species in each conservation class in the EU-25 per biogeographic region

The number of assessed species present in each region is given in brackets.

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