
Data and maps

Land take in protected areas of FUAs in 2018, by country and protection type

Left chart: The extent of land take during 2012-2018 (in % of the 2012 value) in protected areas of the FUAs is presented in the bar chart, broken down by countries and protection type. The dataset covers the entire EEA-39 region but the figure only presents EU-27 (2020) +UK countries. Right map: Land take is derived from comparing the Urban Atlas 2012 and 2018 datasets of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. Land take is expressed as the converted area in % of the 2012 land cover extent (% of non-urban land cover in 2012 that is converted to urban land cover by 2018). The dataset covers the entire EEA-39 region but Figure 2.3 only presents EU-27 (2020) +UK countries.

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Land take in 2012-2018 in protected areas of FUAs of the EU-27 and the UK region, by country and protection type

Left chart: The extent of land take during 2012-2018 (in percentage of the 2012 value) in protected areas of the FUAs is presented in the barchart, broken down by countries and protection type. The dataset covers the entire EEA-39 region but the figure only presents EU-27+UK countries. Right map: Land take is derived from comparing the Urban Atlas 2012 and 2018 datasets of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. Land take is expressed as the converted area in percentage of the 2012 land cover extent (percentage of non-urban land cover in 2012 that is converted to urban land cover by 2018). The dataset covers the entire EEA-39 region but te map only presents EU-27+UK countries.

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Marine Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) in the European Union, December 2009

The map was temporarily removed from public download until sea regions have been approved.

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Share of protected areas per NUTS regions

The map presents the percentage of each NUTS region that is protected. Protected areas include all figures of protection as specified in CDDA.

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Average carbon sequestration rates in the main types of terrestrial and marine habitats

The figure illustrate the average levels of carbon sequstration rates in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The “x” in the figure represents the average level whereas the green and blue boxes signify the median values and the range is characterised by the individual dots. For further explanation of uncertainties see Box 1. For more detailed information on datasets please use the linked dataset.

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