
Data and maps

Monitoring progress of Europe's transport sector towards its environment, health and climate objectives

The ‘Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism’ (TERM) includes a number of indicators used for tracking the short and long-term environmental performance of the transport sector in the 28 Member States of the European Union (EU-28). This briefing presents the latest indicator-based assessment of progress being made towards key transport-related policy targets and objectives.

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Exceedance of critical loads of eutrophication deposition of nutrient nitrogen

The maps show areas where critical loads for eutrophication of freshwater and terrestrial habitats are exceeded

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Environmental indicator report 2017 — In support to the monitoring of the 7th Environment Action Programme

This report gives an overview of the EU’s progress towards 29 environmental policy objectives. These are relevant to the achievement of the 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) three key priority objectives: natural capital; resource-efficient, low-carbon economy; and people’s health and well-being.

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Critical gaps remain in Europe’s environmental performance despite improvements

The European Union (EU) is making stronger progress towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy than in protecting biodiversity, natural capital and people’s health. An annual European Environment Agency (EEA) environmental indicator report analyses whether the EU is achieving by 2020 a selected set of environmental objectives.

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Photo competition winners: European landscapes, flora and fauna

Mountain views, cows, ladybird and a hungry squirrel sweep top prizes in NATURE@work photo competition. European Environment Agency’s (EEA) competition encouraged citizens to take and share photos of benefits and services provided by nature.

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Towards healthy and productive seas in Europe and beyond

Marine life, the global climate and our economy and social wellbeing all depend on healthy seas. Despite some improvements, our assessments show that the way we currently use Europe’s seas remains unsustainable. Climate change and competition for natural resources add extra pressures on the marine environment. European policies and measures could result in greater improvements when they are implemented through an ‘ecosystem-based management’ approach and are supported by a global ocean governance framework.

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NATURE@work competition: Vote for your favourite photos

Fifty photos have made it to the final round of the NATURE@work photo competition, organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA). An online vote, opening today, will decide the winner of the Public Choice Award.

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Natura 2000 European protected areas —  interactive map

Ecological network of European protected areas

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GIS data

GIS data

14 Sep 2017

The features are checked against OGC simple feature specifications rules with GEOS 3.5.0. libraries.

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Stock assessment database (ICES)

The ICES Stock Assessment Database data are available for the analytically assessed ICES stocks from 2014 onwards. Plots and data from previous assessments will be made available when the data and settings have been quality controlled.

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Agricultural land conversions

This map shows spatial distribution and intensity of main agricultural conversions (lcf52 Conversion from semi-natural land to agriculture, lcf41 Extension of set aside fallow land and pasture, lcf46 Conversion from pasture to arable and permanent crops and lcf6 Withdrawal of farming) over the territory in period 2006 - 2012.

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Woodland creation

Woodland creation

06 Sep 2017

This map shows spatial distribution and intensity of woodland creation (lcf61 Withdrawal of farming with woodland creation and lcf72 Forest creation, afforestation) over the territory in period 2006-2012.

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Geoparks network in the Czech Republic

At present, a network of National Geoparks Czech Republic, in which you can make any area of interest in any way associated with a significant geological heritage. Within the network will be able to exchange individual national geoparks experiences, organize visits, seminars and conferences with a geological theme. The main coordinating body of the national network of Geoparks National Council of Geoparks Czech Republic. The Council helps implement the principles of the concept of geoparks, helps in their activities and decides on the inclusion of the candidate areas in the network of National Geoparks. Council establishes Ministry of Education.

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Biogeographical regions in Europe

This map reflects the status of the Biogeographical Regions in Europe from 2016 onwards. Changes compared to previous versions are explained in the source dataset.

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Mining activities in Northern Fennoscandia and Greenland

The map shows the mining activities in the European part of the Arctic region

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Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas

The Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) was established in Tunis in 1985 by decision of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (Barcelona Convention), which entrusted it with responsibility for assessing the situation of natural heritage and assisting the Mediterranean countries to implement the Protocol concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol), which came into force in 1999.

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