
Data and maps

European map estimating the level of invasion by alien plant species

European map estimating the level of invasion by alien plants, based on the mean percentage of neophytes in vegetation plots corresponding to individual CORINE land-cover classes (see text for details). Within the mapping limits, areas with non-available land-cover data or insufficient vegetation-plot data are blank

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Green infrastructure: better living through nature-based solutions

Green infrastructure offers attractive solutions to environmental, social and economic issues, and as such needs to be fully integrated across different policy domains. As the EEA prepares to publish a report on the role of green infrastructure in mitigating the impacts of weather and climate change related natural hazards, we spoke to its lead author, Gorm Dige, project manager for territorial environment, policy and economic analysis.

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European air quality maps European air quality maps of ozone and PM10 for 2011 and their uncertainty analysis ETC/A Technical Paper 2013/13

This paper provides the annual update of the European air quality concentrations of selected pollutants (PM10 and ozone), their exceedance probability and population exposure estimates for the year 2011. The analysis is based on interpolation of annual statistics of the 2011 observational data reported by EEA Member countries in 2011 and stored in AirBase. The paper presents the mapping results and includes an uncertainty analysis of the interpolated maps, building upon the latest methodological developments.

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EU 2010 biodiversity baseline — adapted to the MAES typology (2015)

This report presents a revised overview of the EEA's EU 2010 biodiversity baseline report. The revision is necessary because the typology of ecosystems used in the 2010 report has since been altered by a working group of biodiversity experts. The revised report provides the relevant facts and figures on the state and trends of the different biodiversity and ecosystem components recalculated to align with the new typology of ecosystems.

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Europe’s seas: productive, but not healthy or clean

The European Union’s Blue Growth agenda aims to harness further the potential of Europe’s oceans, seas and coasts for jobs, economic value and sustainability. A new report published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that, despite some improvements, the way we use our seas remains unsustainable and threatens not only the productivity of our seas, but also our wellbeing. Human activities and climate change are increasingly putting a number of pressures on Europe’s seas, the cumulative effects of which threaten the functioning and resilience of marine ecosystems.

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Percentage of green urban areas in EU-27 core cities

This map shows the percentage of green urban areas in core cities

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Nature policy works when implemented well

Our natural environment is a key component of our health and wealth. However, our recent assessments show that the majority of habitats and species in Europe have an unfavourable conservation status despite significant improvements for many species in recent years.

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European ecosystem assessment — concept, data, and implementation

Contribution to Target 2 Action 5 Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

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Green Week: stakeholders put nature in the spotlight

Stakeholders from across Europe are coming together at Green Week to discuss biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will present its latest findings, recently published in its reports 'State of nature in the EU' and 'The European Environment – state and outlook 2015'. To contribute to the knowledge base, the EEA released today a new technical report on mapping and assessment of ecosystems.

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Cherishing nature: World Biodiversity Day

Today, 22 May, is the International Day for Biological Diversity. We are currently witnessing a steady loss of biodiversity, with profound consequences for the natural world and for human well-being. Through its extensive network and close collaboration with partners, the European Environment Agency (EEA) brings together the most comprehensive knowledge base on Europe’s biodiversity in order to help policymakers, civil society and the public tackle biodiversity loss.

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State of nature in the EU: biodiversity still being eroded, but some local improvements observed

The majority of habitats and species in Europe have an unfavourable conservation status despite significant improvements for many species in recent years, according to a new technical report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) today. The report presents the most comprehensive European overview on the conservation status and trends of the habitats and species covered by the European Union’s (EU) two nature directives. Building on the reports submitted by EU member states, the report contributes to policy discussions in the context of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy.

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State of nature in the EU

Results from reporting under the nature directives 2007-2012. This report describing the state of nature in the EU is based on reports from Member States under the Birds and the Habitats directives and on subsequent assessments at EU or EU biogeographical levels. It provides comprehensive facts and figures on the status and trends of the species and habitats covered by the two EU nature directives, fully underpinned by the numerous reports submitted by Member States in 2013.

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Nationally designated areas (CDDA), site boundaries - status 2014

The map is intended to show the distribution of site boundaries reported for nationally designated areas

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