
Data and maps

Natura 2000 Barometer

Natura 2000 Barometer

15 Jan 2014

The Natura 2000 Barometer gives an evaluation on the progress made in establishing the Natura 2000 network, both under the Birds and the Habitats Directives. It is based on information on number of sites and areas covered, as indicated by Member States and is published in the Natura 2000 Newsletter.

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Nationally designated areas (CDDA) site centre points - status 2013

The map shows the CDDA site centre points and countries where site centre points are public available, countries where some site centres are having restrictions and countries where site points have restrictions for all sites

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Global megatrend update: 8 Growing demands on ecosystems

In 2010, the EEA produced its first assessment of global megatrends as part of its five-yearly assessment of the European environment's state, trend and prospects (SOER 2010). In preparation for SOER 2015, the EEA updated each of the megatrends, providing a more detailed analysis based on the latest data. This publication is one of the 11 updates being published separately. In mid-2015 the chapters will be consolidated into a single EEA technical report.

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Land use — key message 1

Land is a finite resource and the way it is used is one of the principal drivers of environmental change, with significant impacts on quality of life and ecosystems as well as on the management of infrastructure. In turn, environmental change will increasingly influence the way Europeans use land as communities work to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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The squeeze on Europe's coastline continues

Europe's coastal regions are increasingly vital for its economy, yet their natural assets on which it depends continue to degrade. This is according to a new report from the European Environment Agency, which calls for better information, planning and management decisions to balance multiple demands on the coastal environment.

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Balancing the future of Europe's coasts — knowledge base for integrated management

The objective of this report is to frame an analytical approach for coastal areas in Europe, and to place this in the context of the new socio‑economic drivers of sustainable growth, and the formation of a new integrated policy framework. This framework builds on an ecosystem‑based management approach and integrated spatial planning and management. The report presents some key sustainability challenges for European coastal areas and waters, and highlights the need for a consolidated knowledge base and widespread information‑sharing to support informed policy development and management actions.

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Information system on Aquatic Non-Indigenous species (dataset URL is not directly available)

World Wide Web electronic publication AquaNIS, 2013. Information system on aquatic non-indigenous and cryptogenic species.  

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Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE)

BISE is a single entry point for data and information on biodiversity supporting the implementation of the EU strategy and the Aichi targets in Europe.

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Biodiversity observation schemes using citizen science

The list of projects is drawn from an unpublished report prepared for the EEA by members of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Some more examples were added as a result of a questionnaire sent to all partners of the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD). An EIONET consultation provided more information that was further enlarged by ETC/BD partner European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC).

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Freshwater quality — key message 1

Europe’s freshwaters contain a number of pollutants including nutrients, metals, pesticides, pathogenic micro-organisms, industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals. These can have adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems, degrading habitats and resulting in the loss of freshwater flora and fauna. Poor water quality can also raise concern for human health.

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