
Data and maps

Marine and coastal environment — key message 1

Degradation of marine and coastal ecosystems is observed in the Black, Mediterranean, Baltic, North East Atlantic Seas and in the Arctic. This trend is caused by fishing, agriculture, the industrial use of chemicals, tourist development, shipping, energy exploitation and other maritime activities. Projected climate change is likely to increase the impact of these activities in all seas, and in the Arctic

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Marine litter – a growing threat worldwide

Increasing amounts of litter are ending up in the world’s oceans and harming the health of ecosystems, killing animals when they become trapped or swallow the litter. Human health is also at risk, as plastics may break down into smaller pieces that may subsequently end up in our food. These are just a few of the problems emerging from the waste collecting in our seas.

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The European Grassland Butterfly Indicator: 1990…-2011

This report presents the European Grassland Butterfly Indicator, based on national Butterfly Monitoring Schemes (BMS) in 19 countries across Europe, most of them in the European Union.

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Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades

Grassland butterflies have declined dramatically between 1990 and 2011. This has been caused by intensifying agriculture and a failure to properly manage grassland ecosystems, according to a report from the European Environment Agency (EEA).

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Urban sprawl eating into wildlife habitats in Europe

As cities expand into the countryside, the habitats of many animals and plants are reduced. Roads, railways, car parks and buildings also split up habitats, dividing wildlife populations into increasingly smaller groups.

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Biodiversity-rich Croatia becomes 33rd full EEA member country

As Croatia joins the European Union, it also becomes a full member of the European Environment Agency (EEA) on July 1, 2013. On this landmark day, the EEA takes a look at the country’s environment.

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Our Natural Europe: conservation stories show importance of local action

When fishermen in the Koster Sea in Southern Sweden understood the value of the ecosystems beneath the waves, they voluntarily agreed to change fishing practices. The area became Sweden’s first marine national park in 2006.

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Coming home to roost!

Coming home to roost!

17 Jun 2013

A story in the "Our Natural Europe" series

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Nets, nature and national parks

A story in the "Our Natural Europe" series

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Wolf, bird and bread!

Wolf, bird and bread!

17 Jun 2013

A story in the "Our Natural Europe" series

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EEA reference grid

EEA reference grid

24 May 2013

The grid is based on the recommendation at the 1st European Workshop on Reference Grids in 2003 and later INSPIRE geographical grid systems. For each country three vector polygon grid shape files, 1, 10 and 100 km, are available. The grids cover at least country borders - plus 15km buffer - and, where applicable, marine Exclusive Economic Zones v7.0 - plus 15km buffer - ( Note that the extent of the grid into the marine area does not reflect the extent of the territorial waters.

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Is there a protected area near you? Find out on UN Biodiversity Day

Protected areas cover more than one fifth of the land in the 39 countries working with the European Environment Agency (EEA). On International Biodiversity Day, the EEA encourages Europeans to find out more about their closest nature reserve or national park using a new interactive map.

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