
Data and maps

Projected spatial mismatches of the Portuguese Dappled White butterfly and its host plants

This figure shows spatial mismatches of the Portuguese Dappled White butterfly (Euchloe tagis) and its host plants under the BAMBU scenario (climate: A2) for 2050-2080. Green, suitable climate space for the host plants;orange, suitable climate space for the butterfly; red, suitable area for both butterfly and host plants; open circles, currently observed distribution. BAMBU: Business-As-Might-Be-Usual scenario.

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Projected changes in mammalian species richness

Projected changes in in mammalian species richness by 2100 under emissions scenarios B1 (left) and A2 (right) in a 10’ resolution. Units in percentage.

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Projected changes in the climate niche space of the Small Tortoise shell

This figure shows the future distribution of climate niche space of the Small Tortoise shell (Aglais urticae) under the A2 climate change scenario and two future time periods (2021-2050 left, 2051-2080 right). Dark grey areas show space that remains suitable, magenta areas space that is lost and green areas show space that could be gained under full dispersal. Northern parts of Europe are expected to remain suitable for the Small Tortoiseshell under all scenarios, but large areas of central Europe would become unsuitable. The worst case loss is 55% of its climatic niche by 2080 under no dispersal or 46% loss under full dispersal.

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European variations in the temporal trend of bird and butterfly community temperature index

The map shows the temporal trend of bird and butterfly CTI for each country. A temporal increase in CTI directly reflects that the species assemblage of the site is increasingly composed of individuals belonging to species dependent on higher temperature. The height of a given arrow is proportional to the temporal trend and its direction corresponds to the sign of the slope (from south to north for positive slopes). The arrow is opaque if the trend is significant.

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Observed latitudinal shifts of four species over 25 years in Britain

This graph shows the observed latitudinal shifts of the northern range boundaries of species within 4 exemplar taxonomic groups, studied over 25 years in Britain. (A) Spiders (85 species), (B) ground beetles (59 species), (C) butterflies (29 species), and (D) grasshoppers and allies (22 species). Positive latitudinal shifts indicate movement toward the north (pole); negative values indicate shifts toward the south (Equator). Horizontal lines mark the Median, boxes the 25 to 75 % quartile and whisker the range (up to 1.5 times the interquartile distance). Open Circles are outliers.

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Expected average percentage of stable area of 856 plant species for two different climate scenarios

The figure shows the expected average percentage of stable area of 856 plant species for two different climate scenarios by 2100. The S550e scenario corresponds to a stabilisation at 550 ppm CO2 equivalent and a global mean temperature increase of 2°C, the baseline scenario corresponds to a global mean temperature increase of more than 3°C.

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Trends in spring phenology in Europe

This figure shows the spring trends of phenology 1971-2000 grouped by their mean onset date. Each dot represents a station. Dot size adjusted for clarity. A negative phenological trend corresponds to an earlier onset of spring.

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More than half of EU surface waters below ‘good’ ecological status

Water pollution and physical modifications are still affecting the ecology of many of Europe’s lakes, rivers, transitional water bodies and coastal waters. These problems are likely to prevent the water bodies reaching ‘good’ status by 2015, a target set by the EU’s Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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Seasonal severity rating index

Data on forest fire danger

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Protected areas have increased to cover one fifth of Europe’s land

More than 21 % of the land has some kind of protected status in the 39 countries which work with the European Environment Agency (EEA). However, only 4 % of the sea controlled by countries of the European Union is included within the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, according to a new report from the EEA.

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Spatial overlap between Natura 2000 and nationally designated sites in Hungary, all IUCN categories

The map reflects the spatial combination of sites designated under national instruments and Natura 2000 sites. In Hungary there is an important overlap between Natura 2000 sites and nationally designated sites, however Natura 2000 also extend beyond these (little light green on the map). There are also a large proportion of nationally designated sites under IUCN V and VI which are not designated as Natura 2000 as reflected by extend of blue colour on the map

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Proportion of each terrestrial biogeographical region covered by SCIs/SACs *

* SCIs — Sites of Community Importance; SACs — Special Areas of Conservation

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Distribution of nationally protected sites (CDDA) in Europe according to their IUCN category classification

Distribution of nationally protected sites (CDDA) in Europe according to their IUCN category classification

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Average size of terrestrial nationally designated areas (in km2) in different regions of the world

* EEA-39 includes the 32 EEA member countries and seven collaborating countries ( figures/political-map-of-eea-member-and-collaborating-countries).

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European marine regions and the coverage of Natura 2000 sites

Disclaimer: The marine regions and sub‑regions shown in Map 7.1 and used for generating the statistics in Table 7.1 are identical to MSFD marine regions used for WG DIKE (Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange) consultation of EU Member States on the 7 November 2011. A final decision regarding the map was not reached before the publication of this report and changes might occur. The map does not represent any official Member State marine boundaries.

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