
Data and maps

Special Protection Areas classified for the crane (Grus grus) across EU

The map shows the distribution of Natura 2000 sites designated across the EU for the Crane under the Birds Directive, highlighting the importance for a European network of protected areas to take into consideration the various needs of a migratory species for its life cycle, specifically for breeding, staging and wintering.

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Degree of overlap between terrestrial Natura 2000 network and nationally designated sites (CDDA) including all IUCN protected areas categories

The map reflects the spatial combination of sites designated under national instruments and Natura 2000 sites. A large part of Natura 2000 overlap with existing national designations but also extend beyond these national designations. There are also nationally designated sites which are not designated as Natura 2000

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Spatial connectivity of Natura 2000 sites across political boundaries in different parts of the European Union

The map reflects the likely degree of spatial connectivity of Natura 2000 sites across 34 terrestrial political borders of the EU, measured as a quantified proportion of Natura 2000 sites on both sides of a boundary against total border length. A thick line reflects a likely poor spatial connectivity while a thin line reflects a likely good spatial connectivity.

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Loss of accessibility for migratory fish due to dams in major European river basins

Orange: river basins with large dams (at least 10 m high) not allowing normal fish passage.

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Cumulative number and area of nationally designated sites (under all IUCN management categories) in Estonia over time

This diagram shows the evolution over time of the number and cumulative surface area of nationally designated areas in Estonia.

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Percentage of CDDA coverage per IUCN category; left: % of the number of sites; right: % of area

Sites in the database without a management category are excluded

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Cumulative number and surface area of protected areas in the 39 EEA countries

The graph shows the evolution over years of areas protected under national designations both in terms of cumulative number of sites and cumulative area. The information is the one reported by EEA countries (and collaborative countries) as part of the EIONET priority data flow within the Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA)

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Spatial overlap between Natura 2000 and nationally designated sites in Austria  under all IUCN categories

The map reflects the spatial combination of sites designated under national instruments and Natura 2000 sites. In Austria there is an important overlap between Natura 2000 sites and nationally designated sites, however Natura 2000 also extend beyond these (little light green on the map). There are also a large proportion of nationally designated sites under IUCN V and VI which are not designated as Natura 2000 as reflected by extend of blue colour on the map

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Share of terrestrial protected areas in mountainous, coastal and lowland inland area per country

Coastal areas defined as within 0–15 km, Mountain regions as defined by the European Environment Agency (2010). In several countries, part of the coastal areas are also mountainous. Countries are ordered according to the percentage of each country covered by mountains.

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