
Data and maps

Climate change might drive the invasive tree Robinia pseudacacia into nature reserves and endangered habitats

Static networks of nature reserves disregard the dynamics of species ranges in changing environments. In fact, climate warming has been shown to potentially drive endangered species out of reserves . Less attention has been paid to the related problem that a warmer climate may also foster the invasion of alien species into reserve networks. Here, we use niche-based predictive modelling to assess to which extent the Austrian Natura 2000 network and a number of habitat types of conservation value outside this network might be prone to climate warming driven changes in invasion risk by Robinia pseudacacia L., one of the most problematic alien plants in Europe. Results suggest that the area potentially invaded by R. pseudacacia will increase considerably under a warmer climate . Interestingly, invasion risk will grow at a higher than average rate for most of the studied habitat types but less than the national average in Natura 2000 sites. This result points to a potential bias in legal protection towards high mountain areas which largely will remain too cold for R. pseudacacia . In contrast, the selected habitat types are more frequent in montane or lower lying regions, where R. pseudacacia invasion risk will increase most pronouncedly. We conclude that management plans of nature reserves should incorporate global warming driven changes in invasion risk in a more explicit manner. In case of R. pseudacacia , reducing propagule pressure by avoiding purposeful plantation in the neighbourhood of reserves and endangered habitats is a simple but crucial measure to prevent further invasion under a warmer climate .

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Effects of temperature, phase type and timing, location, and human density on plant phenological responses in Europe

Phenological onset dates are closely linked to temperature. In this study, we analysed a phenological dataset collected during the COST 725 Action 'Establishing a European phenological data platform for climatological applications', which contained more than 36 000 phenological time series for Europe covering 1971-2000. We analysed the temperature response of the phenological phases, their regional differences, and the relationship between the sizes of the local temperature and phenology trends in connection with a high-resolution climate grid of Europe. As an external factor, we examined the influence of human population density on phenology. Our analyses confirm differences in behaviour between annual and perennial plants in Europe. The average temperature response of perennial plants was significantly greater (-4.2 d°C -1 ) than that of annual agricultural crops (-3.0 d°C -1 ). The correlation between temperature and phenology trends was greatest for leaf unfolding of fruit trees and deciduous trees (r=-0.63 and -0.46, respectively). The geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) had only a modest influence on the mean onset of the groups of phases; however, inclusion of altitude improved the models for some groups.

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Measuring biodiversity with indicators – new report describes SEBI approach

The continuing loss of biodiversity – made up of genes, species and ecosystems – is a matter of growing concern in Europe. Yet measuring the extent of the loss and the threat it poses is a huge challenge.

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Streamlining European biodiversity indicators 2020: Building a future on lessons learnt from the SEBI 2010 process

This report marks the end of the current SEBI cycle noting SEBI milestones and drawing lessons for further improving the process and the indicator set.

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Climate warming and the decline of amphibians and reptiles in Europe

We explore the relationship between current European distributions of amphibian and reptile species and observed climate, and project species potential distributions into the future. Potential impacts of climate warming are assessed by quantifying the magnitude and direction of modelled distributional shifts for every species. In particular we ask, first, what proportion of amphibian and reptile species are projected to lose and gain suitable climate space in the future? Secondly, do species projections vary according to taxonomic, spatial or environmental properties? And thirdly, what climate factors might be driving projections of loss or gain in suitable environments for species?

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Image 2000 & Corine Land Cover 2000 (dataset URL not directly available)

Data provided by: JRC-IES/Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit / Image 2000; Corine Land Cover 2000 Project

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Data on forests in Europe

Data provided by: JRC-IES/Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit /  European Forest Data Center (EFDAC)

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European air quality maps European air quality maps of ozone and PM10 for 2009 and their uncertainty analysis ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2011/11

This paper provides the annual update of the European air quality concentrations of selected pollutants (PM10 and ozone), their exceedance probability and population exposure estimates for the year 2009. The analysis is based on interpolation of annual statistics of the 2009 observational data reported by EEA Member countries in 2010 and stored in AirBase . The paper presents the mapping results and includes an uncertainty analysis of the interpolated maps, building upon the latest methodological developments.

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It's beautiful!

It's beautiful!

31 Jul 2012

A story in the "Our Natural Europe" series

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Conservation status of species of European Union interest in marine ecosystems

Statistics by region on the left, overall statistics on the right.

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Conservation status of habitat types of European Union interest in marine ecosystems

Statistics by region on the left, overall statistics on the right.

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Percentage of the coastal zone within 10 km of the shoreline protected by Natura 2000 sites per NUTS3 region in the EU-27

The highest proportion of coastal zone covered by Natura 2000 sites is located on Germany's Baltic coast, the Baltic States coast, Denmark's western coast, Ireland's north-western coast, France's eastern Atlantic coast, western and south-western of the Iberian Peninsula, coast of Almeria, northern Catalan coast, northern and central Adriatic coast of Italy, western Crete and Thrace (Greece).

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