
Data and maps

Cumulative surface area of sites designated for Birds Directive over time (SPAs)

The figure shows the cumulative surface area of sites designated for Birds Directive over time (SPAs)

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Cumulative surface area of sites designated by the Habitats Directive over time (SCIs)

The figure shows the cumulative surface area of sites designated by the Habitats Directive over time (SCIs)

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Crops and Wild Relatives of the Euro‑Mediterranean Region

Kell, S.P.; Knüpffer, H.; Jury, S.L.; Ford-Lloyd, B.V.; and Maxted, N., 2008. 'Crops and Wild Relatives of the Euro‑Mediterranean Region: Making and using a conservation catalogue', in Crop Wild Relatives Conservation and Use, Maxted, N. et al. (eds).

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Proportion of endemic species in Annex II to the Habitats Directive

Proportion of endemic species in Annex II to the Habitats Directive

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Conservation status of species per region

Conservation status of species per region of Community interest

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Conservation status of species

Conservation status of species in EU except Bulgaria and Romania

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Conservation status of habitats per region

Conservation status of habitats per region of Community interest.

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Conservation status of habitats

Conservation status of habitats of Community interest.

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Trends of European butterflies and dragonflies

Populations trends of European butterflies and dragonflies.

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Threat status of EU species

Red list status of amphibians, terrestrial mammals, marine mammals, reptiles, butterflies and dragonflies in EU.

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Trends of European amphibians, reptiles and mammals

Population trends of European amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

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Atlas of Soil Biodiversity

The SOIL Action (22004) of the Joint Research Centre’s Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit (H07) has just completed a comprehensive collaborative project focusing exclusively on life in the soil. One of the resulting outputs is the first ever European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity.

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An Indicator of the Impact of Climatic Change on European Bird Populations

Rapid climatic change poses a threat to global biodiversity. There is extensive evidence that recent climatic change has affected animal and plant populations, but no indicators exist that summarise impacts over many species and large areas. We use data on long-term population trends of European birds to develop such an indicator. We find a significant relationship between interspecific variation in population trend and the change in potential range extent between the late 20 th and late 21 st centuries, forecasted by climatic envelope models. Our indicator measures divergence in population trend between bird species predicted by climatic envelope models to be favourably affected by climatic change and those adversely affected. The indicator shows a rapid increase in the past twenty years, coinciding with a period of rapid warming.

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State of Europe´s Forests 2007

The MCPFE Report on Sustainable Forest Management in Europe, jointly prepared by the MCPFE Liaison Unit Warsaw, UNECE and FAO Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Warsaw.

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Habitats Directive Article 17 Report (2000–06)

All Member States are requested by the Habitats Directive (1992) to monitor habitat types and species considered to be of Community interest. Article 17 of the Directive requires that every 6 years Member States prepare reports to be sent to the European Commission on the implementation of the Directive. The Article 17 report for the period 2001-2006 for the first time includes assessments on the conservation status of the habitat types and species of Community interest

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Measures of landscape structure and connectivity

European-wide forest fragmentation (1990–2006),  Estreguil C. and Caudullo G., 2010. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

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