
Data and maps

National percentage of area covered by Natura 2000 sites inside and outside mountains by country, and of area covered by mountains

The graph shows a comparison at national level of percentage of area covered by Natura2000 sites inside and outside mountains, as well as the percentage of mountainous areas by country.

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Wilderness Quality Index

Wilderness Quality Index maps.

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Percentage of area covered by nationally-designated areas inside and outside mountains by country, also indicating the percentage of the national area covered by mountains

The chart shows the distribution of NDA in Europe Countries for all countries with data Tags / keywords: National Designated Areas, outside and inside mountain massifs, Europe, biodiversity protection.

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Distribution of nationally-designated areas in mountain massifs

The chart shows the distribution of nationally-designated areas in mountain massifs across Europe

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The GLORIA target regions in Europe

The GLORIA target regions in Europe. Vascular plant species richness (total and endemic species; data pooled from four summit sites per region) is shown for the initial 18 GLORIA-Europe regions.

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Hotspots of plant, bird and mammal diversity based on richness and narrow endemism

The map shows hotspots of plant, bird and mammal diversity in Europe based on richness and narrow endemism

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Percentage of HNV farmlands overlapped by Natura 2000 sites inside and outside mountains at country level, and the mountain area of the country

The chart shows the percentage of HNV-farmland overlapping with Natura2000, both in- and outside mountainous areas at a national scale.

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 Foresight Analysis of Rural areas Of Europe (FARO-EU) classification of rural areas

FARO-EU (Foresight Analysis of Rural areas Of Europe) rural typology.

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Wilderness comparison

Wilderness comparison

03 Jan 2011

Four distinct charts showing comparison of wilderness areas between massifs and between countries.

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Mountain ranges involved in the Cantabrian mountains-Pyrenees-Alps Initiative

Areas covered by the proposed mountain corridor between the Cantabric Mountains and the Western Alps

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Proportions of habitat types in each massif classified by conservation status

The graph shows the proportions of habitat types in each massif classified by conservation status.

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Existing and proposed protected areas within the Cantabrian Mountains- Pyrenees-Alps Initiative

The map shows protected areas and Natura 2000 areas within the Cantabrian Mountains- Pyrenees-Alps corridor.

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Distribution of nationally-designated areas in mountain areas

The map shows the National Designated Areas within each European Mountain Massif

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Distribution of the area of Natura 2000 sites in mountain massifs

The graph shows the distribution of the Natura2000 sites over the European mountain massifs.

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Habitats in favourable conservation status in EU Member States

The chart shows habitats in favourable conservation status in EU Member States, inside and outside mountain areas

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High Nature Value farmland in the mountains of Turkey

The maps shows High Nature Value farmland in the mountains of Turkey, defined as areas above 750 m.

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Annex I habitat distribution across massifs

The pie charts show the relative distribution of a number of habitats types, defined by the Annex I of the Habitats Directive, across the massifs.

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Number of mountain habitat types in individual groups of Annex I. habitats

The graph summarizes links between 9 main habitat groups distinguished by the Annex I of the Habitat Directive and mountain regions. Three types of relations are distinguished: mountain habitat; both mountain and non-mountain habitat; non-mountain habitat.

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Overlaps of High Nature Value (HNV) farmland and LFA designations in Spain and Portugal

The maps shows Overlaps of HNV farmland and LFA designations in Spain and Portugal.

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Vanishing open landscape in the East Carpathians Biosphere Reserve, Slovakia

Land use development of the East Carpathians Biosphere Reserve in 3 time series (1949, 1987, 2003) identified from aerial photographs

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