
Data and maps

Distribution of Natura 2000 sites in mountains across Europe

The map shows the distribution of Natura2000 sites across European mountain massifs.

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Biodiversity year comes to end, the challenge remains

The International Year of Biodiversity 2010 has officially ended with closing ceremonies held last weekend. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will continue supporting European policy makers in their efforts to implement measures agreed earlier this year in Nagoya, Japan.

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Projected ocean acidification by 2100

The maps show projected ocean acidification and related impacts on corals by 2020, 2060 and 2100: from better (blue) to worse (orange) conditions for coral skeletal growth.

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The Earth’s biomes and loss of species diversity

The map: Locating biomes (or regional ecosystems) throughout the world. The graph: The bars compare the impacted states of selected biomes (or regional ecosystems) at various historical dates and projected 2050. These impacts are expressed using the Mean species abundance (MSA) indicator.

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Conversion of regional ecosystems (biomes)

The bars show, for each biome, the fraction of potential area lost by 1950 (pale blue), lost between 1950 and 1990 (blue) and the projected loss by 2050 (dark blue).

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Human use of terrestrial ecosystems

Human appropriation of net primary production in percentage

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Distribution of nematodes

Map showing the distribution of Nematodes.

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Migrating fishes — river fragmentation by obstacles for year 1700 and 2005, salmon adult, downstream to upstream

Migrating fishes — river fragmentation by obstacles for year 1700 and 2005, salmon adult, downstream to upstream

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Conservation status of assessed habitats in EU‑25

- Annex I to the Habitats Directive includes a wide variety of habitats which are divided into nine groups of related habitat types such as forests and grassland. - Between these groups, dune habitats, grasslands and bogs, mires and fens have the worst conservation status.

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Net land-cover changes 2000–2006 in Europe – total area change in hectares and percentage change

The figure shows the net land-cover changes 2000–2006 in Europe, total area change in hectares and percentage change.

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Adapting to climate change — key message 2

A temperature rise of 2 °C or more above pre-industrial levels is likely to cause major societal, economic and environmental disruption, making it challenging for human and natural systems to adapt at affordable costs. Climate change will affect the vulnerability of European society to an array of threats to human health, almost all economic sectors, ecosystem goods and services and biodiversity.

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Water resources: quantity and flows — key message 2

Water scarcity and droughts have severe consequences for many economic sectors. Over-abstraction is causing low river flows, lowered groundwater levels and the drying-up of wetlands, with detrimental impacts on freshwater ecosystems. Climate change is projected to increase water shortages, particularly in the Mediterranean region.

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Urban environment — key message 5

Cities can be considered as 'ecosystems', albeit with a high technical component. Their urban metabolism is an open and dynamic system, which consumes, transforms and releases materials and energy, develops and adapts to changes, and interacts with humans and other ecosystems. Therefore they should be analysed and managed as other ecosystems.

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Water resources: quantity and flows — key message 4

In the past, European water management has focused on increasing supply through deep wells, dams and reservoirs, desalination and large-scale water–transfer infrastructures. Future water management will benefit from applying an ecosystems perspective, using floodplains and groundwater aquifers for storing water, making room for rivers, and minimising the environmental impacts of water engineering projects.

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