
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Observed annual, winter and summer temperature deviations in Europe

Observed annual, winter and summer temperature deviations in Europe

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Otter populations in France in 1930 and 1990

The population is shown on level of NUTS3.

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Nitrate and phosphorus concentrations in European freshwater bodies between 1992/1993 and 2003

Concentrations are expressed as annual median concentrations for groundwater, and median of annual average concentrations for rivers and lakes

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Forest area covered by introduced, non-native, tree species.

Of the forest area dominated by introduced tree species, 13 % have become invasive species with impacts on forest biodiversity conservation (MCPFE, 2007 in EEA, 2008)

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Trends in farmland bird populations in Member States with a lower share of intensive agriculture

The number of bird species taken into account for each country is given in the legend

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Targets for 2010 and share of electricity consumption met by renewable energy sources in 2003 for the EU-25

National indicative targets shown are reference values that Member States agreed to take into account when setting their indicative targets by October 2003, according to the EU renewable electricity directive.

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Estimated forest biomass resource potential for bioenergy in EU-21 from 2010-2030

Note: EU-21 refer to EU-25 excluding Cyprus, Greece, Luxembourg, and Malta.

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