
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Estimated changes of the ice mass in Greenland 1992-2006

Note: The rectangles depict the time period of the observations (horizontal) and the upper and lower estimates of mass balance for that period (vertical), calculated by different techniques as marked with colour codes

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Projected population

Projected population

12 Nov 2009

International comparisons

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Gross domestic product per capita

International comparisons

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Changing household consumption patterns in EECCA

Sectors are presented in the order of the most rapidly growing.

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External costs for various modes

The three figures show estimates for the external costs of different modes of transport disaggregated on impact categories

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Urban demand as a proportion of average annual runoff

Note: Map based on long-term average annual run-off data (see map id=107, Annual average run-off in Europe) in conjunction with Eurostat GISCO Degree of Urbanisation data.

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Exposure to fine particles above EC threshold values

Exceedance days are defined as days with black smoke (BS) 24-hour average concentrations above 125 ?g/m 3 ; Total Suspended Particles (TSP) 24-hour average above 120 ?g/m 3 ; PM10 24-hour average above 50 ?g/m

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EU-27 greenhouse gas emission trends and projections to 2020

Data exclude emissions and removals from landuse change and forestry

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Length of transport infrastructure EU-15, 1991-2001

The relapse of the length oil pipelines between 1994 and 1995 is caused by a decrease in Germany.

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