
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Efficiency (electricity and heat) from public conventional thermal plants, 1990 and 2006

Due to inconsistencies in the Eurostat data set Luxembourg is excluded for 1990 (input data is registered, output data is zero in 1990) and Norway is excluded for all years (efficiencies greater than 100%).

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Trends in greenhouse gas emissions from transport (left) and industrial processes (right)

Emissions from transport were not reported separately by the Russian Federation, neither in their NC4, nor in their later 'greenhouse gas inventory' submission to the UNFCCC of January 2007

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Extent of illegal logging in selected countries

Illegal logging takes place when timber is harvested in violation of national laws (European Comisssion, COM(2003)251 final)

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Zoom in on mountain and coastal areas Perpignan-Torino

What happens in the coastal zone is important to all Europeans

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Hazardous substances in blue mussels in the North East Atlantic

The ratio between mean concentrations of hazardous substances in the blue mussel and values for Background/Reference concentrations (BRC-values) or Ecotoxicological Assessment Criteria (EAC- values) for these substances has been used to present the development on a comparable scale

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Trend in farmland bird population index from 1990-2002 in EU-11

Bird population index trend data is obtained from the EU-15 Member States except Finland, Greece, Luxembourg, and Portugal.

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Perceived and reported green space

In the municipality of e.g. Brussels, where there are few areas of green space, most respondents expressed satisfaction with the supply of green open space; whereas in e.g. Bratislava, where there are large areas of green open space, the level of satisfaction was much lower

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