
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Exposure of agricultural area to ozone (exposure expressed as AOT40 in (mg/m3).h) in EEA member countries, 1996-2005

The target value for protection of vegetation is 18 (mg/m3).h while the long-term objective is set to 6 (mg/m3).h

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Emissions of air pollutants by sector in 2005, EU-27

The graph above shows the emissions of ozone precursors (methane CH4; carbon monoxide CO; nonmethane volatile organic compounds NMVOCs; and nitrogen oxides NOX) each weighted by a factor prior to aggregation to represent their respective tropospheric ozone formation potential (TOFP)

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Decomposition analysis of the main factors influencing the development of EU-15 CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (1990-2005)

The orange bars show the factors that have an increasing effect on emissions and the green bars show the factors that have a reducing effect

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Change in national emissions of ozone precursors since 1990 compared with 2010 targets

The targets for 2010 are the Gothenburg Protocol target (December 1999) and the more recent NECD Common Position targets (June 2000) for the EU and individual countries for non-methane volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides individually

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Progress in the management of contaminated sites in selected European regions

Information on remediation in progress and remediation completed has not been included.

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Country-wise ecosystem damage area for eutrophication in Europe, 1995-2010

Data source of deposition-data used to calculate exceedances: EMEP/MSC-W

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Sectoral use of water in the late 1990s

Southern accession countries (AC): Malta,Cyprus, Turkey

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Distribution of biochemical oxygen demand concentrations in different parts of Europe

Northern: Finland (BOD7); Southern: Greece and Italy (BOD5); Western: Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (BOD5)

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Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina National Park - anthropic pressures

Artificial and agricultural changes in and around the National Park

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