
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Patterns by county

Patterns by county

08 Sep 2020

The maps show the variations in green urban spaces, self-reported health and deprivation by county.

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Spatial distribution of exposure to NO2 across Europe, mapped for the NUTS 3 regions, 2013-2014

The colour gradient shows the population-weighted average by NUTS 3 region for the years 2013 and 2014.

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Deaths related to flooding in Europe

This map shows the number of deaths related to flooding per million inhabitants (cumulative over the period 1991–2015, with respect to 2015 population).

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Overview of limits for exposure of the general population to power frequency EMF in the EU

EU Member states are divided into three groups depending on the level of regulation applied to electromagnetic fields within their country. This maps show this geographical variation.

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Access to green urban areas within a ten minute walk in cities across Europe

The map shows the population-weighted median area of green urban areas and forests that can be reached within 10 minutes' walking time.

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Integrated environmental justice map of Berlin

Integrated environmental justice map of Berlin

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Exposure to PM2.5 mapped against GDP per capita, 2013-2014

The map uses a colour gradient to show the GDP per capita per NUTS3 region, classified in quantiles against the highest exposure to PM2.5 pollution represented as hatched areas (only the top 20 % of PM2.5 are shown).

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Patterns by NUTS2 regions

The maps show the variations in green urban spaces, self-reported health and deprivation by region.

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Percentage of deaths attributable to the environment by country, 2012

Map showing the percentage of deaths in each country attributable to environmental factors

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Nutrient trends in European water bodies

The data series are calculated as the average of annual mean concentrations for groundwater bodies/river stations/lake stations in Europe. Only complete series after inter/extrapolation are included (see indicator specification). The number of groundwater bodies/river stations/lake stations included per country is given in the notes below the individual substance charts.

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