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Use of freshwater resources in Europe

Overall, water abstraction and economic growth in the EU showed absolute decoupling over the period 2000–2017. Total water abstraction declined by 17 %, while total gross value added generated from all economic sectors increased by 59 %. However, water scarcity conditions and drought events continue to cause significant risks in southern Europe, as well as in specific areas of other European regions. Agriculture remained the sector exerting the highest pressure on renewable freshwater resources overall, being responsible for 59 % of total water use in Europe in 2017. This is mainly because of agriculture levels in southern Europe. In 2017, 64 % of total water abstraction was from rivers and 24 % from groundwater. Annual renewable freshwater resources per inhabitant showed a decreasing trend across all regions except eastern Europe over the period 1990-2017. Large decreases were observed in Spain (-65 %), Malta (-54 %) and Cyprus (-32 %). Climate change and population increase exerted high pressures on renewable freshwater resources in Europe over this period. The increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme droughts and floods enhance the risk of there being reduced volumes of renewable freshwater resources in the future.

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Organic agricultural land coverage in Europe, 1985-2015

The figure presents organic agricultural land area in Europe in the period 1985-2017.

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Conservation measures

This dashboard provides information on the need and implementation of conservation measures for species and habitats

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Main pressures and threats

This dashboard provides information about pressures and threats acting on habitats and species, sorted by their level of importance.

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Number of habitats and species per Member State

This dashboard provides information on the number of habitats and species reported by each Member State.

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Data completeness and quality

This dashboard provides statistics on data quality and completeness of the Member states’ reports

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Information on Annex V species

This dashboard provides numbers of Annex V species being taken in the wild or exploited.

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Proportion of habitats area in good or not good condition

This dashboard provides information on the proportion of area of habitat types in good and not good condition. This information relates to the parameter ‘structure and functions of a habitat type’.

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General information on the Natura 2000 network

This dashboard provides information on the numbers and surface area of Natura 2000 sites and associated legal measures in place per Member State. For official count of number of sites and their areas and EU area statistics please refer to the Natura 2000 barometer.

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Natura 2000 coverage of species populations and habitat types

This dashboard provides information on the share of habitats and species that occurs inside the Natura 2000 network as well as on their trends inside the Natura 2000 network

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Cumulative global fleet of battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) in different parts of the world

The figure presents the total global stock of electric vehicles in key regions, including both battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).

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Evolution of total European energy RD&D spending by technology (USD-million, 2017 prices) (based on IEA estimates)

The figure presents European spending on research, development and demonstration for energy technologies, fossil fuels, hydrogen, nuclear, renowables and others.

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