
Global search on data, maps and indicators

CO2 emissions from new passenger cars

ACEA: European automakers association

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Temperature change in the Alps and their sub-regions according to different emission scenarios

Regional statistics: G = Greater Alpine Region, A = Alps, NW = north-western Alps, NE = northeastern Alps, SW = southwestern Alps, SE = southeastern Alps, H = higher than 1 500 m.

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Actual and projected greenhouse gas emissions aggregated for new Member States

Past GHG emissions include the eight new Member States which have Kyoto target (not Cyprus and Malta)

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Energy use per passenger-km...*

Energy use per passenger-km (total car fleet) for selected countries and EU, 1980-1999

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Freight transport volumes grow along with GDP

There is no data for Malta and Liechtenstein

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Average total deposition of sulphate, 1995-1998

Notes: At 309 intensive monitoring plots

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Observed global and European annual mean temperature deviations 1856-1999

Temperature plotted as the variation from the 1961?1990 mean

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Trends in cattle numbers by country group

Million heads of cattle by country group

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The Green Background of Europe

Conceptual grouping of CORILIS layers to approach european green areas (10 km radius)

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Share of combined heat and power in gross electricity production in 2006

The share is defined as the proportion of CHP electricity production (from both private and public utilities) in total electricity production

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Trends in birds and butterfly populations in EU-25 (% decline)

The number in brackets show the number of species taken into account for each habitat type

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Remediation technologies

The graph shows remediation technologies applied in the surveyed countries as percentages of number of sites per type of treatment

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