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Accidental oil tanker spills (above 7 tonnes per spill), Europe

The mass of oil spilt is approximate, as some records do not contain the exact amount of oil spilt *: Prestige wreckage only

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Total and marine catches

International comparisons

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EU-15 and EU-27 greenhouse gas emissions from transport compared with transport volumes (passenger transport by car and freight transport by road) (1990-2005)

To calculate EU15 greenhouse gas projections, sectoral WAM projections for France and Italy had to be gap-filled

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Projected change in damage of river floods with a 100-year return period between 2071-2100 and 1961-1990

Note: Model calculation using the IPCC SRES scenario A2 and NUTS2 level.

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Losses from urban water networks

Year of data given in brackets.

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Changes in EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions by sector and shares of sectors

Several Member States did not report projections for all sectors/scenarios

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Decline in mean trophic level of fisheries landings

Mean trophic level of fisheries landings for the north-east Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas, 1950-2003 The decline in mean trophic levels results in shortened food chains, leaving ecosystems less able to cope with natural or human-induced change

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Marginal external costs of passenger transport, minimum and maximum values per transport mode (Euro/vehicle km for aviation; Euro/10 vehicle km for other modes)

MC = Motorcycle; HDV = Heavy duty vehicle (3.5-40 tonnes); LDV = Low duty vehicle (< 3.5tonnes)

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