
Global search on data, maps and indicators

GHG Emission projections per capita by the world regions

Figures include land use change and forestry.

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Demography - Population development 1990-2030

Figures for the 1990-2000 period are observed data

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Observed changes in growing season length

Observed changes in growing season length

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Occurrence of heat wave events with a duration of 7 days (left: 1961-1990 average; right: 2071-2100 average)

Occurrence of heat wave events with a duration of 7 days (left: 1961-1990 average; right: 2071-2100 average)

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HCB background soil concentrations

Modelled hexachlorobenzene (HCB) background soil concentrations in Europe, 1998

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Temperature distribution within a mountain range containing permafrost

Note: Permafrost is present in the blue area bordered by a black line.

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Air emissions of PCB, 1990

Air emissions of PCB, 1990

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North European gas pipeline

North European gas pipeline

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Waste generation and material flows - Low economic growth scenario vs. Baseline (2020)

Waste generation and material flows - Low economic growth scenario vs. Baseline (2020)

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Location of Doñana toxic spill

Location of Doñana toxic spill

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Change in frequency of summer days in Europe, in the period 1976-1999 (days with temperatures above 25 oC)

Positive values indicate increase and negative values indicate decrease of annaul summer days per decade

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Change in number of ozone exceedance days between 1993-1996 and 2000-2004

The map shows the change in the average number of ozone exceedence days from April to September observed at regional background stations (EMEP monitoring stations) from the period 1990-1994 to the period 1999-2004, excluding the abnormally warm summer of 2003. A day is counted as an exceedence day when the daily maximal 8-hr-average ozone concentration exceeds 60 ppbV.

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Modelled change in tropospheric ozone concentrations over Europe

The modelled changes shown are only due to climate variability and climate change

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Course of major storms in 1998-2002

Course of major storms in 1998-2002

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Modelled remains of the glacier cover in the European Alps for an increase in average summer air temperature of 1 to 5 oC

Modelled remains of the Alpine glacierisation (climatic accumulation area) according to an increase in summer air temperature of +1 to +5 °C. The total of 100% refers to the ice cover of the reference period (1971–90). The 100%-marks of the other lines refer to the fraction of glacierisation of the corresponding Alpine country. Reading example: A rise in summer air temperature of 3 °C would reduce the Alpine ice cover (red curve) to about 20% of the glacier cover of the reference period (1971–90). The corresponding glacier remains of Switzerland (blue, dashed line) amounts to about 30%, whereas in Austria (black, dashed line) only about 7% of the glacier cover of the reference period is left.

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